²✭Chapter 2✭

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Today was Halloween. I love Halloween. A day where you can be anybody but yourself. I waa dressing up with the boys I was actually dressing up as Dana Barrett

I put in some normal cloths but I packed my costume just in case. and left for school.

once I got there Mike was arguing with Lucas. so it was just a normal day.

I put my bike in the rack and walked up to will. "What are they arguing about?" 

"They both came as Venkman." Will shook his head.

"Ah." I nodded and laughed a bit.

"Why aren't you in costume?" Dustin

"Oh wow you know I exist??" I rolled my eyes. Hes barely spoken too me in the past few days all him and Lucas do is go to the arcade to stalk Max.

"Guys... Guys! Guys!" he yelled over us. "Why is no one else wearing costumes?"

The bell rang and we went to our lockers.

"When do people make these decisions?" Dustin looked around as everyone laughed at them.

"Everyone dressed up last year." Will added.

They continue to talk as people laughed.

I opened my locker and emptied all of my books into them. All we ever do is watch movies on holidays. I had a bag of Halloween candy in by bag too to eat during class but I didn't want to eat it all so I left the bag in my locker and took a few handfuls.

Dustin and Lucas both slowly turned around with their jaws on the floor. I turned around to see the infamous max skating through the halls. "Oh my God such a rebel." I mocked as I closed my locker and walked away from the too love struck boys.


The bell rang for our next class and I headed to my locker to grab some more candy and I left my sketch book. I thought I wouldn't need it but all Dustin and Lucas want to do is talk about max so I'm nice again left out of the group.

Dustin and Lucas walked up to max. Hmph I wonder which one of them is going to ask her out and fail miserably. She rolled her eyes at them and walked away. Dustin Looked at Lucas with a huge dopey smile. He used to look at me like that...


I slammed my locker and headed to class and plopped in my seat.

"We are watching a movie today. Now it's not a Halloween movie because Halloween was invented by the candy  companies and should not be a holiday" Ms Green Fused... crazy old bat you are the devil.

"Technically it's not though" I raised my hand.

"Ok miss y/n if your so smart explain to me exactly what Halloween is." she thinks she Caught me.

"Halloween is based on the Ancient feast called All Hallow’s Eve. It’s the one night of the year where the spirits of the dead can return to walk amongst us on Earth. We wear costumes out smart the souls of the dead so they would think they were fellow spirits." I shrugged.

"Nonsense Theres no such thing as spirits!" She shushed me.

"Believe what you want Ms. Green But when you piss off an evil spirit and it poses you dont be surprised." I snickered.

she put a random movie on and ended up falling asleep at her desk.

I placed my hand with a note under it on Wills desk that read.

hey Will can you cover for me I'm skipping class

I turned around and looked at him as i walked away he nodded and I went and hid in the bathroom.

Dustin Henderson x Reader ☆Stars☆ /Stranger things/Where stories live. Discover now