²✭Chapter 4✭

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Dustin came and got us because he couldn't find will and he wasn't responding on his supercom.

"Will!" Dustin yelled as we walked through the halls.

"Will!" I called hes probably having another episode we have to find him.

"Dustin! Y/n!" Joyce was standing there when we turned the corner.

"Ms. Byers?" Dustin looked at her in confusion.

"What's going on? Where's Will?" She asked she seemed panicked.

The door down the hall opened up and Lucas busted through. "The field!" He yelled as we all ran out the door to follow him into the field.

"Will." mike was shaking him. "I just found him like this!" He wasn't moving and His eyes were twitching.

"Will! Will." Joyce placed her hands on his shoulders "Sweetie, wake up! It's Mom!" she gently shook him. "Will." she placed her hand on his cheek. "Will wake up. can you hear me?"

After a few moments of her trying to get him to snap out of it he came back from the upside down gasping for air.


We walked out the doors and Joyce brought will to the car.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out." Max Stared at will as he got into the car. "Did that not freak you guys out?"

"Two episodes in two days." Lucas spoke softly.

"Its getting worse." Mike concluded.

"You think it's True Sight?" Lucas asked.

"What's true sight?" Max asked. We cant tell her about anything that's going on. mike looked at Lucas and shook his head.

"It's nothing" he leaned away from mike, afraid of getting hit or something. 

We all watched Joyce and will drive away.


I  put my bike on the rack Mike, Lucas, and Max made their way over to me. "Wheres Dustin?" Mike looked around. 

"I don't know." i shrugged my shoulders and looked around but i also didn't see his bike. "He's probably late"  The group shook their heads in agreement. 

 "Come on we need to keep looking for dart." mike motioned for us to follow him, so we did. we searched the dumpsters on the side of the school.

We decided to play rock paper scissors to decide who gets in the dumpster. First round Mike won, so he was ruled out. Second to get ruled out was max. Which left me and Lucas.

"Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot!" We said in unison as we both chose what to pick in seconds.

"Ugh scissors." Lucas groaned as he chose paper.

Lucas climbed into the dumpster and dug around, throwing bags and loose trash out of the large container.

"This is so disgusting. Is this really necessary?" Max folded her arms and shifted her hips to the side.

Dustin Ran from around the corner "What the hell's going on?" he stopped and put his out before letting them flop back to his sides.

"What do you think? We're looking for dart." Mike turned his attention to Dustin as Lucas threw an entire trash bag out of the dumpster, right where I was standing. "Jesus"

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me out of the way of hurdling trash. He held me tight for a second, my heart skipping a beat but I I payed no attention to it at the time.

Two trash bags hit the ground busting open with small gross things spilling out.

"Uh...T-thanks" I stepped away from Dustin Both of our faces brushed with tints of red.

Lucas jumped out of the dumpster, "Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show up." Lucas threw his arms up in frustration.

"You stink!" Max said walking away from lucas closer to Dustin.

"Hi, Max." He smiled that big dopey smile....A wave of jealousy washed over me.

Of course, because Max is pretty and I'm not, she has red hair, she can skateboard, shes skinnier than I am. She's just better then me in every way. Go figure half of the boys in our party liked her.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my stick and began to poke around the bags followed by everyone else.

The bell rang and I dropped my stick emedatly and headed for class. I sprayed myself with some honeysuckle perfume I had in my locker, so I don't smell like rancid school food.

Like usual I payed no attention to class and instead doodled. Zoning out and bouncing my right leg fast as I moved my pencil across the page of my sketchbook.

"Whacha Drawin?" Troy leaned closer to my desk peering over my arms.

"Dunno." I shrugged not taking my eyes of whatever I was drawing. I have a tendency to not know what I'm drawing as I go and I dont pay attention to what I'm doing it's all just kinda absentminded.

"Let me see." He put his hand out I guess expecting me to hand over.

"Newp" I shook my head and continued drawing.

"Awe come on Cutie let me see." He snickered.

"First of all Call me Cutie again and I'll break your other arm, second, no." I rolled my eyes.

"What's it ganna take for you to let me see?" He laughed.

"I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders putting down my pencil and sliding the sketchbook into my backpack.

"How about after school we get pizza. On me." Ah my one weakness...Food.


"How about no." I stood up and swung my backside over one shoulder just in time for the bell to ring and I headed out of class.


The bell rang for the end of the day and I went home and to the treehouse to hang out for a while. Before falling asleep in the tower. I had put in a few layers of foam and some fabric to make a comfortable seat or bed as I used it some times.


I'm so sorry it too me so long to update I had no motivation to do it not going to lie I've had a lot going on.

and My mom gave me adderall today to see if it would help any of my focus and BEHOLD just sitting here scrolling through tiktok like a zombie isnt cutting it and I have enough focus to write and nothing to do so here I am.

also thank you so much for 500 reads that's fucking INSANE.

-much love Blue

1064 words

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