chapter 3

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(Cameron & karan were up in karan's room smokin some good weed and playing black ops 4 zombie mode of course . while the moms were downstairs cooking and doing mom stuff .)
Cam : ( hits blunt ) bro karan what is you doing bro  ?  Shoot the motherfucker don't just stand there nigga .😂
Karan :  say man look u on my ps4 and in my room getting high as a fucking kite so don't tell me how to play my game kapeesh  ?( Karan said.)
Cam  :  ( hits blunt one more time ) man fuck u this game sucks ass anyway why don't u put on somthin real like mortal kombat or somthin .(cam stated.)
Karan : (hits blunt ) mortal kombat !?  Oh no now i know u high for real dude 😂
Cam :  whatever what time does school start tomorrow ?  Im not tryna be late on the first day ya feel me  ? 
Karan :  around 8 : 00 or 8 : 30 which ever one u chose
Cam :  lets go at 8 : 00 that way we can beat everybody to the classes (cam said.)
Karan :  i don't know dude 8 : 00 is usallay when the football and cheerleading teams come in for practice but don't get me wrong i dont mind seeing a couple of asses shake in the moring 😊 its just them fucking jocks i cant stand 😒
Cam : ( hits blunt) why are they assholes  ?  (Cam asked.)
Karan : most of them yeah but the main one that you really need to look out for is prince he's the team captin and  he's the biggest asshole of them all i stay out his way if i were you . ( karan said .)
Cam : so your telling me im really suppose to be scared of nigga named prince  ?  (Cam teased he wasnt buying it .)
Karan : (hits blunt ) HAHAHAHAHA dude look at this nigga he trash bro (karan said as he saw one of his teammates get mawled by zombies . )
Cam :  karan !!!  (Cam yelled.)
Karan  :  wassup bro (karan says putting the blunt out .)
Cam :  this prince dude should i really be worried  ? 
Karan :  no, of course not dude as long u don't mess with him he wont mess with u .
Cam : (relief) alright well imm go ahead and take a nap (cam said laying his head down and getting cozy in the sleeping bag .)
Karan : nap ?? U sure u dont wanna go to the strip club and look at some tittes dude ?
Cam : man fuck a strip club we got school tomorrow and i aint tryna get a std the night before sorry😂 (cam stated.)
Karan :  that only happens parcially dude . (karan added.)
Cam : it's still a high chance im not risking it . (cam said .)
Karan :  your no fun .( karan added.)
Cam : welp.

(End of chapter 3 i know u guys havnt heard of  china yet dont worry shes coming this is her story too .)

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