chapter 11

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( it was the end of the school day and the game had just finished everyone was packing up and getting ready to head home china and Cameron couldn't wait to get home so they could talk to each other thru the phone but they didn't hesitate to let there friends know about the kiss.)

Karan: bro i can't believe you kissed china do you realize what this means!? (  karan asked in awe .)

Cameron: that me and china are meant to be and she should leave prince for me ? 😊( cam said jokly)

Karan: No it just means that prince is gonna be on your ass more often now (karan said as he opened the car door and started the car .)

Cameron : come on kar your my best friend your suppose to congratulate me and besides prince doesn't even know . ( cam added as he closed the car door.)

Karan: i guess i mean if your happy bro  I'm happy so what was it like did you almost hit😏 ( kar asked as any guy would.)

Cameron : almost i think she would've let me if that stupid bell hadn't rung ( cam said a little frustrated .)

Karan: damn blue balls 🔵(karan said jokly)

Cameron: well yea 😂 ( cam joked back .)

( both boys laughed at the joke and continued enjoying the ride after awhile cam pulled out a bag of weed from the cubby in the car and started to roll up a blunt .)

Karan : damn son you had that the  whole time and you didn't tell me ( karan said feeling betrayed.)

Cameron: if i did you would've smoked it all before the game even started pot head 😂 ( cam joked .)

Karan : I'd be offended but yea your right 😂 (karan joked backed .)

( cam then sparked up the blunt and the  boys continued to enjoy the ride while talking about china and brenna.)

Karan: hey can i ask you a question you know bro to bro? (karan asked his best friend.)

Cameron : sure dude (cam said taking a big hit from the blunt .)

Karan: ok so what do you think about brenna ? (Karan asked)

Cameron: i mean she's China's best friend and there always together and stuff you know kinda like us ( cam said)

Karan: yea her you think she's into me ? (Kar asked)

Cameron: i don't know dude do you want her to be ? (Cam said passing the blunt to karan)

Karan: i mean kinda yea it be nice if she was ( karan stated)

Cameron: ok i gotchu bro since you helped me out with china I'll help you out with brenna china gave me her number before we left what do you think about calling them tonight ? (Cam asked)

Karan: call them ? Hmm i guess it wouldn't hurt plus i think it's about time we get us some girlfriends (karan said hitting the blunt)

Cameron: so it's settled then well call them tonight ( cam said)

(The boys then continued driving home but the wolf inside cameron was just getting started.)

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