chapter 5

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( so ive decided to give you guys some of china's side of the story since it's been all about cam so far so here ya go !! )

(China & Brenna where at china's house doing make up , listening to music, and talking about boys well atleast brenna was china only wanted to talk about one boy.)

China :  so there's this really cute boy from Michigan named cameron and he's new to our school you've seen him around  ?  (She asked brenna.)
Brenna :  does he have freckles  ?  And hang out with karan alot  ?  (Brenna asked while brushing her hair.)
China : yes , yes that's him omg girl he's so cute mmmmmhhmm
Brenna : yea ive seen him he's alright but kinda prefur karan instead😏.(brenna added.)
China :  what !?  Girl your crazy cameron is so fine and those freckles girl ouuuuuu damn .(china said clearly memorized.)
Brenna :  damn girl you better chill out for you make yourself have an orgasam over there .😂(brenna said laughing.)
China  : shiiit with him he can make me have an orgasam all biiiitch. (China said teasing.)
(Both girls start laughing.)
Brenna  :  it's too bad your stuck with prince tho he's such an asshole .(brenna added.)
China : uggghhh quit reminding me plz i know it sucks that im still with him ive been trying to break up with him for the past six months already but he wont leave me alone . ( china exclaimed.)
Brenna  : well  you could always get a restraining order on his ass and be free i had to do that to my ex trust me girl niggas will do anything for pussy.(brenna exclaimed.)
China : oh believe me i know everytime prince wants to have sex i always tell him no im not ready yet but this nigga does not take no for an answser . (china said rolling her eyes  )

Brenna  :  im telling you girl pussy is every boys weakness they just don't like to say it .
China : i know thats right . (china agreed.)

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