Chapter 14 When the Time is Right!

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Chapter 14 When the Time is Right!

Paul's Point of view

Not long after he First Officially Talked to Rachel on the Beach


Just crap!

Jacobs SISTER!

The world really hates me right now doesn't it? I mean it was bad enough that I imprinted. But on Jacobs sister! He's going to kill me. I mean come on, it was only a couple of weeks ago that I made the decision to stop doing all that lovey dovey crap to get laid.

But yes, I have started to change my ways little by little as well as trying to keep a better grip on my anger even though it barely makes a difference.

But that doesn't mean I wanted to imprint! It definitely doesn't! Fate should have just given Rachel to Brady, he really wants to imprint. He was always so upset that he hasn't, like he thinks he'll always be alone, because he hasn't imprinted. Do I get why? No, I don't! Only the delusional people would get that! Who would want to be forced to love and be with some one forever? I mean one look and suddenly it's you're the one for me! It's just so pathetic and unrealistic. The elders say that's not how it is, they say fate is just a push in the right direction to get there faster and that there's a reason for why the imprint is perfect for the wolf. But is it? Is that how it is? Did they just dump us together for no reason or was there a hidden meaning like two pieces of a broken heart fitting together perfectly? Is there a reason for why fate has put us together?

I stomped down the street on my way to Emily's and Sam's little yellow house doing my best to try to take my anger out on the floor so as not to phrase right there, not wanting the pack to find out I had imprinted especially Jacob. Yes, definitely do not want Jacob to know he'd have my head, forgetting the part that I couldn't control it. I mean if I could, I would change what had happened and not imprint on her.

My stomach turned at the thought, but I ignored it since it was only because of the imprint that I felt this way. Yeah, we talked but didn't mean anything though, she was totally broken. I of course didn't know why? But I knew for sure she was.

Jake might of noticed she wasn't herself and was a little different. But he didn't see enough to know that she was suffering silently and at war with herself. I knew, but it was not because of the imprint, it was that I had been their before too and still am. I soften when I think about what she could have been through, even though part of me thought maybe she was just overreacting to want attention or have her family soften up from how she has not seen them in so long. Yeah, I know what an ass to suggest that. But I probably felt that much dislike for her, because of how I feel about the imprinting, since there's no way Rachel could or anyone could do such a thing as it's killing her. Even though she doesn't realise it her family as a result of whatever issue has gone on are worried and concerned about her.

I walked through the door with my daily scowl on my face as Seth and Jane turned to look at me from their comfy spot on the couch cuddled together. I glared at the two of them telling them it wasn't good idea to mess with me.

Jane had lovely green eyes with matching flaming red hair the kind of face features that you saw very rarely. She was a unique person and more importantly has a charismatic personality as much as Seth does. Which made them perfect together in a simple way. She was my favourite imprint of all so I was a lot more protective of her. It's crazy, me the moodiest out of the pack liking the most cheeriest , of course we are all ridiculously close in the pack, but I got along way better with her than a lot of the other imprints.

Alone I'm Broken, But With You I'm Complete [ A Paul love and Imprint story]Where stories live. Discover now