Chapter 15 So Different, Yet So Similar!

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Chapter 15 So Different, Yet So Similar!

Rachel Point of View

I woke up the next day crying again. But after a little while a small smile came on my face, as I thought about what happened the night before. We stayed there most of night in our own thoughts his arm ended up staying around my waist as well as my head against his shoulder. It was weird for once I actuary felt comforted for more than a few moments and without it at the back of my mind. It was something that I had missed for such a long time.

I smiled a proper smile, when I thought of how he'd said goodbye by kissing me on the cheek. It was a sweet gesture. The night made me think maybe he wasn't such a total jerk who didn't care. He could be quite the gentleman. A thought occurred to me. I sat up and swung my legs to the floor in realisation. Was he playing me? I've seen him be a dick and Lila said that he's the worlds biggest liar. She doesn't lie or she doesn't lie to me at least. But than there's no way that he would lie to me about what happened with his sister right? And than he did say that he had changed for the worst and become a jerk. But then how do I know that this is the truth and it's not just a load of lies.

I signed in frustration. I shouldn't even be getting close to someone anyway. I mean I can't get too emotional again. I can't trust people they always let me down. I have to keep my guard up. I don't want him to get involved with the Tom situation he could get seriously hurt if he knows especially when Tom finds me. I don't want anyone to get hurt and I don't know if I'll be able to recover if I end up with another broken heart.

Yet, I couldn't help but think of him. I'd never felt that way with anyone the way he made me feel that I was fine. When I wasn't and that it was okay to not be strong for everyone. I couldn't help, but feel a connection to him. A higher connection that I was so scared of.

A thought of Lila. I hadn't talk to her since the morning down at the beach. I needed to meet with her. I had a thought! I could meet with her and we could talk about everything so we could catch up and I'd talk to her about Paul. As she would be the one of a few that I'd be most comfortable talking to about it and maybe she'd help me make sense if this was real or not as she had been in a similar situation herself and knows how Paul plays, so maybe she may see some signs. But most importantly to see her, because down at the beach it felt like she wanted to talk to me too. Like there was something she wanted to tell me, but was unsure whether to tell me or not.

I got up off the bed and made my way to the hallway, so I could get to the house phone. I didn't have a cell phone anymore, as Tom would always ring me when I had it. So I thought it would be safer if I didn't have one. The house phone was on a little table in the hallway on the side of a wall plugged in. I picked it up and dialled in the same old number that Lila had always had, as she told me down at the beach that she had never changed it. Which made me feel bad in never thinking of calling her, as I had never tried and if I had I would have been able to contact her.

I waited and waited anxiously as the phone rang. Finally I heard her gentle voice answer unsure 'Hello'.

'Hey, it's me Rach' I said trying to sound confident, thou I worried maybe it wasn't such a great idea.

'Oh hey Rachel' she said her voicing turning happier, which made me reviled that she was happy that it was me. 'What's up?' her voice full of hope.

'I was wondering if you wanted to meet up later today' I say with a bit of hope in my voice.

'Sure, when where you thinking?' she asked with a voice that stilled held happiness.

'um.. When are you free' I asked not really bothered when.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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