[5] - Remember

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[Tobias Eaton]

Chicago Detectives, Ezekiel Paxton Pedrad and Tobias James Eaton, have been declared Dead late last night. They will be remembered for their bravery in the line of service. Detective Pedrad was the leading officer in the savior of Detective Eaton when Detective Eaton disappeared late last year. Detective Eaton was the leading officer in the case of Eric and Richard Coulter attacking Beatrice Prior. Detective Pedrad will be remembered by his Brother Uriah Pedrad, a fellow police officer, as well as his mother, his boss and Cheif of Police, Max Walker, and his fiancée, Shauna Wilks. Detective Eaton will be remembered by his Boss, Max Walker, and his Best Friends, Shauna Wilks and Uriah Pedrad. He will also be remembered by his Wife, Best Friend, and Love of His Life, Beatrice Prior and their newborn son, Graham. We wish their families the best in this tough time of grieving.

" What the Hell is going on? " Zeke asks in a low growl. " Why is the News announcing that we're dead? "

Peter chuckles lowly as he stomps forward.

" I planted evidence in remote locations. I 'just so happened to stumble upon it' and convinced them that you were dead. It was easy, really. I just had to pull the card that your poor wife would be so worried about you that she couldn't raise a baby. That Graham would die from failure to thrive. And it snowballed from there. " He says.

My heart throbs in my ears. What is he talking about?

" All I had to do was pull a couple of strings, guilt-trip a couple of people, then cover my tracks. They'll never know. " He says.

I shake my head.

" What? Do you have a problem? " Peter asks.

I shake my head again.

" No, it's just... When we get out of here, you expect us not to talk... That's just funny to me. " I say.

He nods, biting his lip. He lifts a fist, swinging it. His knuckles collide with my jaw. I groan, leaning forward as far as I can before the ropes rip me back into place.

" Stay quiet. Or you'll only wish you were dead. " He says.

I nod. I want to go home. To Tris and Graham. I'd take a fight with Tris over this. At least then I could talk to her when I wanted to. Now... She thinks I'm dead.

" What about Shauna? " Zeke asks. " Wha-- What about her? "

Peter shrugs.

" I threw you in for free. Trust me-- " Peter says. " This is better for her. "

Zeke pulls at the rope, angry at the thought that Shauna is happier without him.

" You son of a bitch. " He says. " You'll pay for this! "

Suddenly, Peter is strangling Zeke with his bare hands.

" I'll pay for this, huh? Yeah, I'll pay for this. And it'll be the world's best spend. " He says.

Zeke coughs when Peter releases him, groaning.

" You're not getting out of here. Not alive at least. I hope you know that. " Peter says.

[Beatrice Eaton]

I sit next to Shauna, her hand squeezed tightly in my own. I look up at the stage they've set up. There are pictures of Zeke on one side and Pictures of Tobias on the other. On Zeke's side, there is a picture of him standing next to Tobias on our wedding day. There is a picture of him graduating from High school, standing with Hana and Uriah. There is also a picture of him proposing to Shauna at the Wedding Reception. The times used to be so good. They used to be perfect. And now, they're not. On Tobias' side, there is a picture of him being honored as the first in his graduating class at the Police Academy. There is a picture of Tobias receiving the award for Valor when he saved me from Eric. There are two more pictures. One is of our wedding day, us laughing in a field, surrounded by fireflies. Then the last one is of Tobias holding Graham for the first time. I look at my Mother who sits next to me. She holds Graham. He was released from the hospital four days ago. The day before I learned about Tobias' death. A hollowness fills my chest as I look at Graham. Who is he supposed to look up to? His father is dead. His Mother is a mess from her Husband's death. And his grandparents are busy taking care of his Mother so she one day may be able to take care of him. When I first learned of Tobias' death, I thought that they were joking. It was Peter after all who declared it. I thought this was another one of his stupid jokes. But when Uriah came to me and told me that Tobias was dead and so was Zeke... I realized that it wasn't a joke. When he told me that they found his car crashed in the river and his uniform torn apart, I knew that they weren't joking. I knew that Tobias was gone. I cried for hours that night and haven't been back to work since. I mean, of course, I was on Maternity leave. But, imagine working after learning of such a devastating loss. How would you function? That's just it--you can't.

"Hello, everyone. I'd like to thank you all for coming even for such a somber event." Max says.

Zeke and Tobias were like sons to him. Everything he did, he did for them. That's a debt I'll never be able to repay.

" Today, we honor two of our bravest Detectives, Officers, and Brothers. Today, we Honor Detective Ezekiel Pedrad and Detective Tobias Eaton. " He says. " On August 4th, 2019, this world lost two great men who fought bravely to save those in need. Detective Eaton and Detective Pedrad were selfless and cared mainly about the safety of others--so much so that we all are here today. "

I sigh, shaking my head. He's right. Tobias was selfless. And I told him that he was being selfish by nit taking care of me like I wanted him to. But, in reality, he was barely calm at the surface. He couldn't take care of himself, let alone me as well.

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