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[Tobias Eaton]

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[Tobias Eaton]

The courtroom fills as audience members return to their seats. The Judge returns to his seat and nods to his bailiffs surrounding Michael and Peter.

"Court is back in session, Mr. Russel please call forward your next witness."  Judge Clark says.

Daren stands and looks down at his defendants.

"I call Mr. Peter Hayes to the stand." He says.

Peter stands and walks forward with a court bailiff. He's sworn in and takes his seat in the witness box.

"Mr. Hayes, we're going to cut straight to the chase here.  What, if any, grudge do you hold against Ezekiel Pedrad and Tobias Eaton?" Daren asks.

Peter shakes his head and scratches his ear.

"Nothing, Mr. Russel. I hold no Grudge against either of them. I mean, sure, we don't get along but I don't hold a grudge against them." He says.

I raise an eyebrow and look at Zeke. He scoffs and crosses his arms over his chest.

"What do you men you don't get along with them, Peter? What kind of disagreements have you had with them?" Daren asks.

Peter chuckles, looking at the jury with a small smirk.

"It might be easier for me to explain the disagreements I haven't had with them." He says.

If Peter wasn't being tried for attempted murder, his looks as well as his laugh and smile might come off as charming, but instead they now come off as desperate.

"Well, the day before Zeke went missing, Zeke and I had a slight disagreement in the office and he eventually broke my nose." Peter says.

I turn my head and look at Zeke. A small smile finds its way onto his lips and he looks over at me.

"What? He was an easy target." He whispers.

I refrain from smiling but every cell in my body trembles with glee. The joyous feeling of punching Peter in that bathroom sends sparks across my knuckles as I remember the sensation.

"Broke your nose? That must mean the fight was physical. Do you believe these men are prejudiced against you?" Daren asks.

Amar stands, holding his hand out towards Daren.

"Objection. Your Honor, these men have every right to be prejudiced against the defendants. They've earned that right." Amar says.

Judge Clark nods, looking at the Jury.

"Sustained, Mr. Green. I'd like to direct the Jury to disregard that question." He says.

Daren exhales and looks at Peter.

"Is  Zeke the only one who attacked you?" Daren asks.

Peter shakes his head and looks over at me.

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