[10] - Attempt

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[Tobias Eaton]

Zeke looks at me, nodding. Peter disappears into the back of the warehouse. I stand from my chair, running as fast as I can through the door. I push my way into the sunlight. I spot Peter's car open. I grab the mic, pressing the button.


Silence is all that greets me.

"Max, please answer!"

"Four? Four... Is that really you?"

"Zeke and I are in danger. We won't last much longer."

" Get out of my car you little shit! " Peter screams.

"Find us! Please!"

Peter grabs hold of me, ripping me out of the car. He swings a punch at me. I duck, but his next blow is brought by a knee to the face. I push myself up off of the ground, but cough into a white rag over my mouth. A strong chemical makes it's way into my system as I try to breathe. Suddenly, the world becomes dark and I hit the ground.

[Shauna Wilks]

" Max, I swear. It's the truth. Last night he-he... " I stammer. " Peter attacked her in her own home. "

He shakes his head.

"Shauna, as much as I want to believe you, I have no evidence that this happened. I have nothing to prove whether this did or did not happen. I'm sorry. " He says.

He goes to leave.

" Wait! " I shout. " She heard Zeke and Four. "

He turns around and looks at me.

" What? " He asks.

I nod, swallowing sharply.

" She heard them. They were alive. " I say.

He shakes his head.

" That's impossible. I'm sorry, Shauna. Really, I am, but you need to let them go. " He says.

I shake my head.

" I'm serious, Max. That's not all. Tris and I... We've been conducting our own private investigation against Peter. The shirt he wore to the funeral was covered in blood. When I had it tested, it turned out to be Four's blood. And it was still fresh. If Four had been dead for nearly a month by the time of his funeral, how was that blood still fresh? And the blood in the upholstery of his car was covered in Pig's blood, not human blood. " I say. " Don't you understand what this means? Peter knows where Four and Zeke are. If we follow him, we find them. "

He shakes his head.

" I cannot believe you. How could you do this? " He asks.

His radio sparks to life with static.


Max and I look over at the radio. My heart stops.

" Four... " I whisper.

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