Saving a life

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Hereford base

*It was seven forty-five in the morning and me and Yumiko were eating and talking to each other about random stuff when suddenly the intercom crackled to life.*

*Harry*: Can I have Dead-eye, Hibana, Buck, IQ and Blitz report to my office.

Hibana: What do think he wants?

Y/N: Mission probably seeing how he's choosing five operators. Shame though, I won't be able to finish my breakfast.

Hibana: Well lets go see what he wants.

*We made our way to his office and when we entered I noticed we were the last ones there.*

Harry: Ah, good to see you two made it. Now that your all here we can get started.

Hibana: So what's up?

Harry: Bomb threat.

Blitz: And is there a reason why you called me and Monika?

Harry: Well there's about twenty to thirty terrorists held up in the Munich Residenz.

IQ: Wait held up?

Harry: Two bombs located in separate rooms are being guarded heavily and the terrorists aren't leaving, their waiting for something to happen and we're guessing reinforcements so I'm sending you in before those reinforcements arrive. I'll fill you in with the rest of the details later grab your gear quickly and head out to the landing zone a helicopter is waiting for you be there in five. Elias your in charge.

Blitz: Yes sir.

*We all rushed out of the room Monika and Elias being a little faster than everyone else patriarchy obviously pumping through their blood. I grabbed my stuff quickly and when I got to the helicopter I saw that Elias and Monika were already there looking quite determined. Next was Sébastien and finally Yumiko.*

Blitz: Alright let's go we ain't got all day.

*We took off and for the entire trip Monika was tapping her foot and Elias was fidgeting with his fingers only stopping when Harry started feeding us the rest of the information and telling us who to meet up with. As soon as we landed Elias and Monika went to the person we were supposed to meet up with a man by the name of Moritz Weber the Police Sergeant.*

Police officer: Excuse me who are you?

Blitz: We're the anti terrorist squad, we supposed to meet up with Sergeant Moritz.

???: Elias Kötz.

*We turned around to see a man in a police uniform with a badge on the side indicating that he was the police sergeant.*

Blitz: Yes sir and you must be Sergeant Moritz.

Sgt Moritz: Yep that's me, Harry already filled me in on everything thing I need to know.

IQ: So what's the current situation?

Sgt Moritz: Well the terrorists are held up inside along with two bombs.

Blitz: Anything else?

Sgt Moritz: Nope but we've got a defuser ready for you once your all ready.

Blitz: We're ready now so give us the defuser and so we can get in there.

*Sgt Moritz handed Monika a defuser and then Elias ordered everyone to move in. Elias was in front followed by Monika then me then Buck and finally Hibana.*

Blitz: Alright drone the place out first and find the bombs.

Y/N: Got one, second floor.

Hibana: Second ones on the third floor.

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