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July 5th
(3 years after Natsu left the guild)
10:46 pm

"STUPID JERK!" Rips papers off my board and throws them to the ground "I'LL NEVER FORGIVE HIM! SELFISH JERK! I HATE HIM!" Throws the board to the ground and wipes my tears off of my cheeks "He ruined the guild" Drops to my knees and begins to rip photos of my ex guildmates "Mira moved on to become a model. Lisanna opened an animal care center. Cana opened a bar. Wendy works at a hospital. Erza is the king's private knight. Gray moved away and Juvia followed him. Levy and Gajeel had kids. They all moved on... " Looks down at the picture that I just ripped and lets my tears fall as I pick up the pieces "Why did you do it Natsu?" Holds the pieces to my chest and feels my body shake "WHY? Why did you leave me?"

July 6th
10 am

Pulls my hair into a ponytail and takes a deep breath "Time to go to work" Walks outside and shuts my door I really need to stop talking to myself. Jogs towards my job and walks slowly inside the building "Hey Karen"

"Hey Lu" Karen says and hands me a file "The woman that came in yesterday dropped off the information on her husband"

"Great! Thanks hun" Kisses her cheek before walking into my shared office and sitting down with my feet up on my desk Time to see what this guy looks like. Opens the file to find a photo and description "Okay so he's 34, has two children, has been married for nine years, and owns a shop. His wife thinks that he's having an affair because he has been leaving without telling her where he's going. At this time he's usually at the bar with his friends. Let's go" Puts my feet down and opens the door "Come on lazy bones" Grabs his hand and walks out "We'll be back at around three. This bar is pretty far"

"I'll see you then" Karen says "Good luck"

Waves at her and walks out of the building and towards the bar "You're awfully quiet today"

"Sorry" Sting says with a sigh

Natsu I hope you're happy. You leaving Fairy Tail didn't only affect us it also affected Sabertooth "You wanna talk about it?"

"Nah lets just catch this cheating motherfucker" Sting says and walks ahead


"Oh shit god damn it my fucking bad" Sting says and turns around with a grin

Shakes my head but can't stop myself from smiling "Do you really think that he's cheating?"

"Well yeah he's been leaving without telling anybody where he's going. What's up with that?" Sting says as be stops two buildings away from the bar

"I'll go in first. I'll flirt a bit and have a drink with him before I ask if he wants to head back to my place and you'll be taking pictures the whole time. Once you see us get up you have to stop it"

"Are you ready?" Sting asks

Lets my hair down and puts on some lip gloss "How do I look?"

"Perfect now get in there and find out if he's cheating" Sting says

Nods and walks into the bar There are a lot of people here. Don't any of these people have jobs Sits at the bar and looks around Ah there he is Looks at the bartender "Can I get a beer?"

"Here you go" The bartender says and hands me a beer

"Thanks" Goes to drink it and sneezes causing it to spill all over my shirt "Damn it"

"You sure are clumsy" Jacob says and hands me a napkin

"I really am" Starts patting at my shirt and makes sure that he is watching me pull my shirt lower to 'clean' my boobs Typical "Thanks for the napkin" Smiles "Let me buy you a drink"

"Well that's straightforward" Jacob says and tries to hide the fact that he's pulling off his wedding ring

"When I want something I just go for it"

"So you want me" Jacob says with a smile

Puts my hand over his and leans forward "Absolutely" The only thing I want is for your wife to leave your unfaithful ass

"How about I get you a drink instead of you getting me one?" Jacob asks and motions for the bartender to come over "A gin and tonic and a whiskey"

I can order for myself thank you very much Smiles and takes the gin and tonic "Thank you"

"So what's a pretty woman like you doing all alone at a bar" Jacob asks

"I just quit my job and needed a drink" Stretches my arms up and feels his eyes on me "So what are you doing here?"

"Work has me really stressed out and I needed a drink" Jacob says

Leans forward and whispers in his ear "I know another way that you can release that stress"

"Oh really? How?" Jacob asks

"Come home with me and I'll show you"

"Lets go" Jacob says and stands up

Stands up and gives Sting a quick nod "Alright then" Feels his arm around my waist as he guides us to the door "Tell me about Amanda"

"W-What?" Jacob says and lets me go

"Your wife. Tell me about her" Grabs Sting's phone and shows him the pictures of us together "How would your wife feel if she saw these and if I told her that you were willing to go home with a complete stranger?"

"I.. I.. You little bitch!" Jacob says and lifts his hand up to slap me

"You piece of shit" Sting says and pulls Jacob outside before throwing him to the ground "Don't you dare lay a hand on her"

Grabs his hand and smiles up at him "It's okay" Looks down at Jacob and scowls "I will be showing these to your wife and she will decide what to do with this information"

"I'll get you for this you stup-" Jacob begins to say when Sting kicks him


"Sorry he was pissing me off" Sting says and gently squeezes my hand

"Lets grab a bite and then head back"

"Lead the way" Sting says

Begins to walk and turns to see Jacob glaring at us "What are you in the mood for?"

"Waffles" Sting says

"I know a great place nearby" Holds his hand as we walk

"Do you miss them?" Sting asks

Giggles uncomfortably "What are you talking about?"

"It's fine if you don't want to talk about it. I just know that today marks the fourth year he's been gone and I want to know how you feel." Sting says and stops walking

"I...I feel like I've been abandoned...the people I cared most about in the entire world have left me.... I'm alone. Nobody cares about me anymore and it h-" Feels my eyes widen as he hugs me

"You're not alone! You have me and I care about you. You mean a lot to me and I'm grateful that you accepted me with open arms all those years ago. I'm always going to be here for you and I'm always going to care about you" Sting says as he continues to hug me

"Thank you" Hugs him back and closes my eyes as I enjoy the moment

"I'll be here no matter what" Sting says and finally lets me go but holds my hand

"And I'll be here for you as well" Smiles and gently squeezes his hand "Now lets go get some waffles"

"Right" Sting says as we begin to walk again

Thank you Sting

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