Bed and Breakfast

58 2 1

May 2nd
(At the train station)
7:45 am

"Did you get any sleep last night?" Sting asks as he flattens my hair for the fourth time in the past 6 minutes

"No" Leans against him and feels my shoulders relax as he puts an arm around me

"You can sleep on me once we board if you want" Sting says

"But what about your motion sickness?"

"I'll deal with it like a man" Sting says

Kisses his cheek and looks him in the eyes "Showing that you have motion sickness doesn't make you less of a man, crying doesn't make you less of a man, talking about how you feel doesn't make you any less of a man. I don't want you to think that you can't show weakness in front of me" Watches his smile falter and his eyes begin to water

"I love you so much" Sting says and hugs me

"I love you too" Hugs him back

"I can't believe you actually used to wear this" Sting says after letting me go

Feels my face heat up "Shut up!"

"You l-" Sting begins to say but is interrupted by a man speaking

"Those curves" The man says while looking me up and down

"Can I help you?" Sting asks as he stands defensively in front of me

"Oh sorry I just couldn't help but notice how gorgeous your little girlfriend is. Come on out kitten. I have a very exciting proposal for you!" The man says

Steps out from behind him and looks down at the ground What's up with this guy?

"Now now baby kitten look up. I want to get a picture of that beautiful face" the man says

Looks up and is blinded by a flash Ouch Rubs my eyes and steps back

"Perfect. Now take this and call me as soon as possible" The man says and hands Sting a card before walking away

"What the fuck" Sting says before looking at the card "Babe"


"Look" Sting says and hands me the card

Reads the card and looks up at him with a smile "MODELING?!" Starts doing a small happy dance when I hear him laugh and stop

"No no keep going! I love it" Sting says with a smile

Smiles and watches our train pull into the station and Sting go pale "It's okay" Squeezes his hand as we board and find a seat

"Can I rest my head on your lap?" Sting asks as the train begins to move and his face goes green

"Of course" Runs my hand through his hair as he closes his eyes He looks adorable while he sleeps

8:20 am
(Still on the train)

Looks out the window and watches the scenery change from buildings to large open spaces with trees and the occasional houses Just three more stops. This outfit takes me way back Feels my chest tighten as I think of my old guildmates "I wonder how they're doing now" Smiles when I hear Sting snore He's sleeping so peacefully. I don't like that. Looks around the train and sees that we're alone Hehe Puts his head down and tiptoes to the opposite side of the train "STING HELP ME!" Drops to my hands and knees

"LUCY?!" Sting yells and jumps to his feet and quickly looks around "WHERE ARE YOU?!" Watches him look around in worry and then sniff the air "Don't fuck with me like that" Sting growls and walks over to me

Stands up and pouts "Sorry"

"I'm sorry but for a second I thought that something happened to you. I would never be able to forgive myself if something did happen to you while I was around" Sting says before pulling me into a hug and kissing my head "I just love you so much"

"I love you too" Hugs him back and feels his heartbeat slow down "I'm sorry"

"It's fine" Sting says

Runs a hand over his abs and smiles Damn I am one lucky girl "I want an outfit like yours"

"It would be nice to match" Sting says and holds me at arms length "You would look beautiful"

Smiles and kisses his nose "Sting"

"Yeah?" Sting asks as he messes up my hair

"This train has been moving for a solid 10 minutes and you haven't gotten sick"

"I guess I was so scared that something had happened to you that I didn't focus on it" Sting says before stumbling back "Damn it"

Holds him steady and puts him down into a seat "Just one more stop" Kisses his head and watches him fall asleep

8:47 am
(At the EverGarden Bed and Breakfast)

"Thank you" Waves at the elderly couple who helped us settle in before closing the door "They were sweet. Their relationship is adorable. I can't wait to be married" Oh shit Turns around slowly to see Sting frozen in place "I'm sorry! I.. I know it's too soon to be talking about that and I'm so sorry. I'm not saying that I'm going to be married to you! But I'm totally not saying that I would not be married to you! I just mean that I can't wait to get married in general. I-"

"I get it" Sting says and kisses my forehead "But we should talk about it because what's the point of being together if we don't see a future with each other. I'm not here for some bullshit fling. I don't want to have people ask me what it was like to date you. I don't want another girl. I want you and only you. I'm here to grow and marry you. I'm not here to waste my time. When I think of you I think of the person that I want to go to bed with every single day. I want to marry you. I want to grow old with you. Hell I might even want some little human things keeping us up till all hours. If you don't feel the same just tell me now"

Steps back and bites my lip "Take your clothes off"

"Now? Really?" Sting asks while pulling off his shirt

"Hearing you talk about our future is just ugh" Pushes him down on the bed before kissing him

9:12 am

"We should get something to eat" Sting says before getting up and pulling on pants and a shirt

"What are you in the mood for?" Pulls on one of his shirts and slides off the bed

"I'm thinking noodles" Sting says "How does that sound?"

"Sounds perfect" Looks at him and smiles "Can you pass me my shoes?"

"Yeah" Sting says and passes me my sandles

Slips them on and jumps on him "I want to grow old with you as well"

"I love you" Sting says and pokes my cheek

"I love you too" Feels butterflies in my stomach as he holds me up and opens the door

"Babe" Sting says and walks out and closes the door behind us

Wraps my legs around him and kisses his neck "Yes?"

"Do you still think about them?" Sting asks

"I haven't thought about them in a long time" Feels myself relax as I realize that it's true I really haven't thought about any of them... "I've been too busy loving you to think of all the pain they caused me"

"I'm glad that I helped you" Sting says "I love you."

"I love you too.." Smiles as I hold on tighter

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