
45 2 0

May 2nd
11:38 am

"That was delicious" Stretches my arms into the air

"We should go get dressed so we can start investigating" Sting says

"Race you there?"

"ReadysetGO!" Sting says and runs off

"CHEATER!" Runs after him and runs past a cloaked figure with pink hair showing Pink? PINK?! Stops and turns around "Natsu!" Grabs the figure and turns them around "Natsu?" Watches the person slowly pull their hood down and my heart sinks

"Sorry but I'm not the person you thought I was" A young boy says

"Sorry. It's just that pink hair isn't common and I thought that I found an old friend" Forces a smile

"Have you been looking for this old friend?" The boy asks

"I looked for a while but then I got tired of looking. Well anyways I'm sorry about this. Bye" Waves at him before running after Sting

11:45 am

"What took you so long?" Sting asks as he casually leans against a wall

"Had to catch my breath for a second" Opens the door and walks up the stairs to our room

"Slowpoke" Sting says as he Grabs his clothes and begins to change

"I'm out of shape" Pulls off my shirt and pulls on the tiny top that I used to wear

"You look as fit as ever" Sting says and pokes my stomach

"Lies" Pulls on the mini skirt and sits down as I pull on my socks and boots

"Are you ready?" Sting asks

Attaches my keys and whip to my belt and nods "Lets go"

11:55 pm
(Mariposa) ((The name of the village that they were sent to save))

Looks around as Sting sniffs the air "It's quiet"

"It smells weird" Sting says

"Weird how?" It's almost twelve.. Why isn't anybody out?

"I'm picking up a familiar scent but the memory of it is hazy.. and there's the smell of ash and metal" Sting says

"Why isn't anybody outside?" Looks at the people watching us from behind the safety of their windows

"HALT!" A man yells from on top of a building "WHO ARE YOU?"

"Just visitors" Sting says

Looks at his hand and spots a snake tattoo

"ALL VISITORS MUST PAY A FINE" The man yells before jumping down and in front of us

What the heck?!

"Give me all your money" The man says and holds out a bag

"No" Glares at him and watches him smile

"Control your bitch" The man says

Grabs my whip to hurt him but watches Sting beat me to it

"She isn't my bitch" Sting says while holding him up in the air "You're not getting our money but you do get to walk away without me beating you to a pulp"

"Tch" The man sighs and pulls out a knife

Sting! Kicks him away and looks at Sting "Lets go"

"Thanks for that" Sting says as we run past the unconscious man

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