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July 2nd
9:47 am
(Lucy/Stings home)

Rests my head on his shoulder and lets out a sigh

"What's wrong?" Sting asks as he squishes my thigh

"I don't want to ruin this..but when do you think that they'll come for you?"

"Don't worry about that. Just try to relax." Sting says and kisses my ear

Nods and holds his hand "I love you."

"I love you too." Sting says and kisses my hand

Smiles and closes my eyes

Lucy's Dream

"Get out!" Voice #1 says

"WAKE UP AND GET OUT!" Voice #2 yells

"What? Why?" Looks around to see the water rising and spinning until it forms a water tornado

"GET OUT!" Voice #1 yells

"What's going on?!" Tries to run before the water tornado pulls me off my feet and inside its raging waters

"YOU HAVE TO GET UP AND RUN!" Voice #1 yells

Feels water fill up my lungs as I try to escape

"THEY'RE COMING FOR YOU!" Voice #2 yells before I'm pulled into the eye of the tornado and come face to face with two beautiful mermaids

"GO!" They yell in perfect unison

Sits up and coughs water as Sting pats my back

"Where did the water come from?" Sting asks before getting up and grabbing a towel

"I need to go." Grabs my keys and pulls on a jacket and my boots

"Where are you going?" Sting asks and grabs my arm

"I h-"

"You're not leaving without this." Sting says and hands me a communication lacrima before letting me go "Be careful."

Kisses him and nods before walking out Where do I go? Natsu! Runs towards Natsu's house and feels an uneasiness in my chest I wish I didn't have to leave him. The further I am the safer he is. Pulls the door to Natsu's house open and walks in to find him with his head down "Natsu!" Hugs him before quickly moving away I can't be here.

"What's wrong?" Natsu asks as he looks at me

"Nothing." I have to leave! I don't want him to get hurt because of me.

"I figured out who gave you the bracelet." Natsu says and grabs my hand before walking over to his bed

"Who g-" Watches as Natsu lifts his bed throws me into a small room that was hidden "Natsu?!"

"Shh." Natsu says before putting down the bed

Hears the door get kicked open and covers my mouth Quiet Lucy!

"Where is she?" Rogue asks

"Who?" Natsu asks

"Don't play stupid. Or maybe you really are that stupid." Rogue says

Was Rogue always this mean? I feel like he wasn't.. I'll ask Sting later

"I don't know who the hell you think you are. You don't come into my house and insult me." Natsu says before something crashes into a wall

What was that? Who was that? Peeks at them and bites my lip as I see Rogue standing over a bleeding Natsu

"You're weak." Rogue says before walking around "I can smell you. Come out and I promise I won't hurt you... much."

Feels my heart beat faster the closer that he gets Calm down Lucy! Calm. Think of calm things. Watches him stop in front of the bed and clenches my fists Calm Lucy.

"Found you." Rogue says as he throws the bed to the other side of the room and looks down at me

Grabs Loke's key"OPEN GATE OF THE L-" Looks at him as he grabs my throat and picks me up

"Don't even try it." Rogue says before we hear coughing

"Let her go." Natsu says as he holds his bleeding side

"natsu.." coughs as it gets harder to breathe

"I think I'll just snap her pretty little neck." Rogue says as he tightens his grip on my throat

"You won't do it." Natsu says as he coughs up blood "If you wanted her dead then she would be dead."

Coughs as Rogue lets me go "you're a piece of shit."

"Shut up." Rogue says and kicks my stomach

"Hey!" Natsu says and lunges at him

"Open gate of the lion." Holds my side as I watch Loke knock Rogue out and Natsu fall to the ground

"You okay Princess?" Loke asks as he bends down to brush my hair out of my face

"I'm fine.. Help Natsu." Watches him pick Natsu up and walk out Time to get up Lucy. Slowly rises to my feet and takes a deep breath I have to call Sting and tell him that Rogue is here. Pulls out the communication lacrima "Sting."

"Are you safe?" Sting asks as soon as he picks up

"Not exactly but I'm not really I'm danger either."

"Where are you?" Sting asks

"Natsu's house. I'll go to you."

"Be careful." Sting says "I love you."

"I love you too." Hangs up and runs outside to catch up with Loke

"It's been a while." Loke says

"Yeah.." Holds his hand as we walk to my house

"Princess." Loke says


"Keep walking and don't panic." Loke whispers "So I hear that you're dating Sting. Have you.. you know?" He asks as his eyes go from me to Natsu

"I don't kiss and tell you nasty kitty." Giggles and casually holds Natsu's arm "Let me carry him. This could help me get stronger."

"He's a bit heavy so ill put him on your back." Loke says and puts natsu on my back with his arms on my shoulders

"He's not as heavy as I thought he would be." Spots somebody hiding behind a tree and taps Loke "behind the tree."

"got it." Loke whispers "just get somewhere safe and take care of his wounds."

Nods "thank you." Walks ahead of Loke and feels an uneasiness in the pit of my stomach This doesn't feel right. Shakes my head and continues walking I have to keep going..but Loke... Puts Natsu down and makes sure that he is comfortable "I'll be right back." Kisses his forehead and smiles before running back to Loke

"What are you still doing here?!" Loke asks as he puts a protective arm in front of me and looks around "They're still here."

"Where?" Puts my back against his and looks around

"I don't know but I know that they're still here." Loke says

"Well we have to find them and kick their asses."

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