Date Night

49 2 1

May 3rd
5:12 pm

Walks through the silent village and sighs How are we going to help these people? Watches people exit their homes and begin to walk around Why are they coming out all of a sudden? Looks around as people go along their day as if everything was fine This is weird.. Walks up to an elderly woman "Excuse me"

"Yes?" The elderly woman says with a kind smile

"I'm here to help get rid of a bad man that has apparently been terrorizing this village"

"We have never had a man terrorize our village" The elderly woman says

"Really?" Did Vivienne lie to us?

"Of course" The elderly woman says before walking away

Then why did Vivienne send us here? Walks towards a now open market place These fruits look delicious! Grabs a bag and starts putting different fruits inside

"We're having a special sale today. Everything is half off!" A young man says with a smile

"That's great! Everything looks delicious!"

"Thanks!" The man says with a proud smile

"Here you go" Hands him money and smiles

"Have a great day!" The man says

"You too!" Walks to another booth and looks at the flowers and jewelry on the tables

"Hey gorgeous" Sting says and puts a hand on my waist

"Hey" Kisses his cheek and smiles

"I want to take you somewhere" Sting says

"How should I dress? Oh wait before you answer that I want you to know that Vivienne lied"

"What?" Sting asks

"I asked an old lady and she said that they have never been terrorized by anybody"

"What about the guy from yesterday?" Sting asks

"I don't know. Why would Vivienne lie to us?"

"I don't know but lets just forget about that for a day. Put on something nice and I'll pick you up at nine" Sting says and kisses my cheek before walking away

What could he have planned? Smiles as I finish shopping and finally head back to the bed and breakfast

6:39 pm

Opens the door to our room and finds a box on our bed Did Sting get me something? Closes the door and puts my bags down before opening the box "Wow.." Pulls out a pink dress and smiles I should start fixing my hair! Puts the dress down and notices a card He even wrote me a card! Opens the card and quickly reads it

The card

I saw this dress and thought that you would look absolutely stunning in it. Meet me at the center of the village.

Runs to the bathroom and turns the shower on I have to get ready!

8:47 pm
(Center of Mariposa)

Clutches my purse as I look around It's almost nine! Watches a glowing butterfly fly past Woah.. I didn't know that butterflies could glow Watches a group of butterflies fly around me and spins around They're beautiful! Watches one fly onto my hand and smiles

9:12 pm

"Where is that jerk?" Sighs and pulls my shoes off I'm just going to head home. My actual home!

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