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May 4th
4:16 am
(Natsu/Happy/Lucy's home)

"I got you something Luce" Natsu says as he walks inside

Finishes drying up the dishes and walks over to him "You didn't have to get me anything" Grabs the groceries from his hands and puts them down on the counter

"You're going to love this" Natsu says as he hands me a box

"What is this?" I'm kinda nervous

"Just open it and find out" Natsu says with a smile

"After I open this I want to have a serious conversation with you about the time that you were gone"

"The gift will explain part of it" Natsu says

Opens the box and looks from Natsu to the box "H-How? Wh-Where?!"

"When I left I made it my mission to get stronger and to reunite you with your oldest friend" Natsu says

Hugs him as tears roll down my cheek "thank you"

"Now lets have that serious conversation" Natsu says and sits down on the couch

Sits down beside him and clutches Aquarius' key "Where did you go?"

"I went to a small town not far from the River Village" Natsu says

"Why did you leave me?" Looks down at my lap

"I wanted to get stronger for you and for myself. I didn't think of how it would hurt you and I'm sorry. I know that this won't make up for all the years that I was gone but I'm sorry" Natsu says "I'm sorry that I was scared of my feelings. I knew how you felt and I got scared"

"You knew.." He seems to have matured

"Yes and I felt the exact same way. I just didn't know how to express those emotions without being scared of losing you. I still feel that way and I'm sure I'll feel that way till the day I die" Natsu says

Why does my heart feel blocked again? It felt so open and free yesterday. Oh right. Sting... "Natsu..."

"I know that I don't deserve it but can you please give me a second chance?" Natsu asks "I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy and I promise to protect you and cherish you the way you deserve to be"

"I want to say yes.."

"Then say yes! Don't think of anything else. Just say yes!" Natsu says and takes my hands

"You were gone a long time..." I have to tell him

"I know and I'm sorry but please give me this chance" Natsu says

"I lo-" Feels my eyes widen as Natsu's lips meet mine He's being so gentle.. Closes my eyes and melts into the kiss before pushing him away "Natsu!"

"I'm sorry" Natsu says and looks down at his hands

"You were gone for a long time and I found somebody else"

"I understand" Natsu says and stands up and walk to the door

Don't leave me! Not again!

"Seems like you don't need me anymore" Natsu says before walking out

NATSU! Jumps to my feet and runs after him "Natsu! You hurt me. You broke my heart. He picked up the pieces and he made me happy again. I love you and I'll always love you but I don't think that we would work. I'm still not over you leaving me. You have no idea how much that hurt. I cried myself to sleep for years!" Feels Natsu wrap his arms around me and bites my lip This feels so comfortable and familiar... But I'm with Sting and I couldn't do this to him! "Natsu.."

"I know. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you. I'm not going to leave again. I'm going to stick around and prove that my love for you is unconditional" Natsu says and kisses my head before letting me go "Just tell me if this guy ever steps out of line and I'll beat him to a pulp for you"

Smiles and nods "Thank you Natsu" Hugs him and walks away as I feel a pain growing inside me

May 5th
10:32 pm
(Lucy's old home)

"Sting Eucliffe" Watches the lacrima light up and Sting's face appear "Hey S-"

"Where the fuck did you go?!" Sting asks "I was trying to reach you for so long. I thought that something happened to you"

"Something did happen! YOU DIDN'T SHOW UP FOR OUR DATE!"



"Wait what?" Sting asks

"You told me to wait at the center of the village.."

"No I didn't" Sting says

"Yes you did. You left me a note with the dress"

"I didn't leave a dress or a note" Sting says with a look of confusion

"Well if you didn't leave it then who did?"

"I don't know but I'm heading home. I have a b-" Sting says before we lose connection

"Sting?" That's weird.. Hears whispering outside my window slowly stands up "Hello?" Hears the whispering stop and sits back down What was that? Feels something brush past my arm and freezes What the hell is going on?! Pulls my covers up and burrows under them I should try to get some sleep.. Closes my eyes and drifts off into an uncomfortable sleep

Lucy's Dream

"Come to us" A female voice sings

"Come and be free" Another female voice sings

"Leave your worries behind and join us" Female #1 sings

"No!" Looks around at an ocean

"Don't let these boys fool you" Female #2 sings

"Stop it!" Feels a hand on my leg and steps back

"You'll come to us and you'll be free" Female #1 sings

"Just don't be afraid" Female #2 sings

Sits up in my bed and grabs my communication lacrima I need him here with me! Calls Natsu and stumbles through my explanation "I.. and... scared..... please!"

"I'm on my way" Natsu says before hanging up

Hugs my knees to my chest while I wait

11:04 pm

"I'm here" Natsu says as he jumps through the window and lands in front of my bed

"Natsu!" Jumps into his arms

"What's wrong?" Natsu asks as he puts me down

"I had a bad dream.. But I'm feeling better now"

"I'll get going then" Natsu says with a small smile before heading for the door

Grabs his arm and notices that he's shirtless "Can you sleep over?"

"Sure" Natsu says

Lets him pick me up and tuck me in

"I'll keep the bad dreams away" Natsu says and covers himself after he lies down

"Thank you"

"Anytime Luce" Natsu says and puts an arm around my waist

Closes my eyes as he kisses my neck Oh Natsu.. Feels myself drift off into a more peaceful sleep



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