
38 2 0

July 1st
3:29 pm
(Lucy/Sting's house)

"I'm going to call Sting" Grabs my communication lacrima

"I'll be taking a shower" Natsu says as he walks to the bathroom

"And I will... Steal food" Happy says before flying away

I feel like I should stop him.. Nah "Sting" Sits on the couch while I wait for him to answer

"Hey" Sting says "I keep missing you"

"Sorry about that. I've been a bit busy."

"Natsu told me that you went to that modeling thing" Sting says "How was it?"

"It was... different" Why do I feel guilty when he mentions Natsu?

"Did you have fun?" Sting asks

"Yes but I don't think I'm pretty enough to model. I'm really ugly"

"Shut the fuck up. Don't you dare say that. Don't you ever say that. You're fucking gorgeous" Sting says

Giggles and smiles "You're such a dork"

"At least I'm your dork" Sting says with a sigh "I'm sorry for the way things have been between us recently"

"So am I. I love you" I have to tell him about what happened between me and Natsu

"I love you too" Sting says

"How is Sabertooth?"

"It's great. There are so many new members. They threw a party for me and things... Well they got a bit out of hand" Sting says

"What do you mean?"

"You need to understand that everybody was pretty wasted. We practically emptied out the booze. People were dancing on the roof and singing in the pool. Even Rouge was wasted" Sting says

"Sounds like you guys had fun" Reminds me of the crazy parties Fairy Tail used to have

"Isignedacontract" Sting says quickly

"What kind of contract? Like 'I'm signing my soul over to the devil and this will bring pain to me and my girlfriend' or 'This won't cause me or my girlfriend pain' kind of contract?"

"The first one.." Sting says

"Tell me exactly what happened"

"I was trying to sober up when a new member asked me to sign something. I don't remember exactly what I was thinking when I signed it but I signed it and screwed myself over in the process. Once I fully sobered up I read the contract and found out that I practically signed away my freedom. The contract says that I'm not allowed to go to Magnolia, I can't go past Mt. Hakobe without a guard, I can't do missions, I have to live here in the guild, and I'm not allowed to be with somebody that isn't in the guild. These are all some fucking bullshit ass excuses to try to keep me from you" Sting says

"Why do you think that they're trying to keep us apart?"

"Because the same girl that made me sign the contract said that it would keep us apart. I don't know why they're trying to keep us apart. It pisses me off that after they treated me like shit and I decide to come back and he-" Sting begins to say

"I'll join Sabertooth"

"What?" Sting asks

"I'll join Sabertooth. I'll do whatever it takes to stay by your side. You have no idea how happy you make me. You were there for me when I was at my worst. I'm not letting you go over something as trivial as a guild"

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