
31 3 2

July 2nd
(Guest bedroom)
6:50 am

Opens my eyes and waits for them to adjust to the dark room What should I make for breakfast? Natsu will eat anything and Happy will most likely want fish. Pancakes for Natsu and fish for Happy. Sits up and stretches my arms in the air My back hurts. I should do some yoga before making breakfast.

"" Happy mumbles in his sleep

Smiles and kisses his forehead "I love you" Tiptoes out of the room and walks into mine Where is my yoga mat? Looks around the room and spots a small box on the bed What's this? It wasn't here when I left the bed. Grabs the box and shakes it I don't want to open it. WHAT IF IT'S A SNAKE?! Why would there be a snake in a box? Don't be stupid Lucy. Opens the box to find a small bracelet A bracelet? Slips it on and smiles Maybe it's from Sting! Grabs my yoga mat and walks out to the living room

"Morning" Natsu says from the kitchen "I thought that you would sleep in." He says as he walks past me shirtless

"I thought the exact same thing about you."

"I'm making some eggs. You want some?" Natsu asks as I hear cabinets open and close

"Can I get bacon on the side?" Spreads the mat on the floor and stands on it

"Sure" Natsu says

Touches my toes and watches Natsu walk up to me "What's up?"

"I'll help you stretch." Natsu says and holds my hips "But you'll have to trust me."

"I've always trusted you!"

"Lie down with your arms at your sides." Natsu says and lets my hips go

Does as I'm told and waits for him "What now?" Feels his hands on my back

"Take a deep breath" Natsu says "and then exhale."

Does as he says and feels him push down on my back "Ah~!"

"How did that feel?" Natsu asks with a proud smile as I roll over to face him

"It felt great. I didn't realize how tense I was." Lifts my leg up and lets him push it gently

"You should stretch more often. It would really help with your back." Natsu says

Feels something against my thigh as he continues to stretch my leg "So.. um... How did you sleep?"

"Happy kept hitting me with his tail but it was fine nonetheless." Natsu says as he stretches my other leg "How did you sleep?"

"Fine! We should make breakfast." Pulls my leg away and stands up

"Are you okay?" Natsu asks as he stands up and gives me a concerned look

"I'm fine!" I can't tell him about the dreams!! Walks into the kitchen and looks around

"You don't look fine." Natsu says as he walks up behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder "What's up?"

"You have a boner!" What the fuck Lucy?!

"Oh!" Natsu says as his face turns red

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have brought it up!!" I'm so stupid.

"It's what your beauty does to me." Natsu says with a shy smile

Feels a warmth in my arm and smiles before caressing his cheek "You're sweet."

"Can I kiss you?" Natsu asks as he puts a gentle hand on my waist

Feels a warmth from where he touched me and nods What? Why did I nod?? Watches him lean in and close his eyes Stop! Feels his lips against mine and feels a warmth throughout my whole body His lips are so.. warm Feels myself melt into his arms and deeper into the kiss No! LUCY STOP!! Tries to pull away only to feel a burning on my arm What's going on?! Pulls away and screams out in pain as my bracelet burns my wrist

"Luce?!" Natsu says in a panic and holds my hand as I cry "What can I do?"

"Sting!" Feels tears roll down my cheeks as Natsu lets my hand go and runs to my bedroom I have to get this stupid bracelet off! Cries as I try to pull the bracelet off only for it to burn me more

"Her bracelet is burning her! She tried to take it off but it just won't budge! I don't know. I thought that it was a gift from you. Just come back and be here for her! I don't give a fuck if they follow you!! I'll do anything to protect Luce! Just get back here!" Natsu says before hanging up and holding me "It'll be okay Luce."

Squeezes his arm as I try not to cry "It hurts!"

"I know Luce..I know...." Natsu says and kisses my head as he continues to hold me

I didn't want to kiss him. That warmth.. Was it from the bracelet? Who gave me this bracelet? Why did they give me it? Bites my hand as the bracelet becomes hotter and everything becomes blurry

"Stay with me! We don't know what will happen if you close your eyes." Natsu says and holds me tighter

Nods as I try to focus on his scarf Stay awake Lucy! Stay awake!

Natsu's POV
8:09 am

"Come on Luce just a little longer.." Kisses her head and feels a tear escape my eye and land on her cheek I can't cry. I have to stay strong for her. Feels her hand on my cheek and watches her smile grow weaker before disappearing completely "No! NO! Luce come on! Wake up!! Please! I need you!!!" Hears the front door get kicked down and holds Luce closer "You'll be okay now."

"Give her." Gray says and takes Luce out of my arms and carries her away

"She'll be okay." Sting says as he walks in with bloodshot eyes

"You okay man?"

"Just.. tired" Sting says before sighing

"I think the bracelet was controlling her in a way."

"What do you mean? Where the fuck did she even get that bracelet from?" Sting asks

"She was just acting strange. I don't know."

"I co-" Hears a scream from the guest bedroom and looks at Sting before we run to the room

"Is she okay?!" Sting asks
"Yeah." Gray says before throwing the bracelet at Sting "Make sure to get rid of that."

"I will... after I find out who gave it to her." Sting says before walking out

Lucy's POV

Opens my eyes to see Gray and Natsu watching me

"Hey.." Gray says

Sits up and looks at him "I'm sorry!"

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