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May 6th
1:29 am

Opens my eyes and looks at the still sleeping Natsu He looks adorable Tries to turn and feels his hand on my boob How is he holding on tightly and gently? Sighs and smiles "Sweet dreams Natsu" Kisses his forehead and closes my eyes

1:43 am

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Sting yells

Opens my eyes and looks at Natsu sitting up

"Come here" Sting says and pulls me out of bed

"Sting! You're home!"

"This isn't home. Home is our new house" Sting says and lets me go "I just want to know why my girlfriend is in bed with another guy"

"She had a nightmare and called me over" Natsu says and slides off the bed and looks at me

"Why the fuck are you even here?" Sting asks

"I just told you why" Natsu says with a sigh

"Why are you in Magnolia?" Sting asks

"I brought Luce something" Natsu says "It's nice to know that you're the guy who made her happy again"

"So she told you about me" Sting says

"Not by name but yes she told me about you" Natsu says and extends her hand "Thanks for taking care of her"

"Right" Sting says and shakes Natsu's hand

"I want to tell you straight up and like a man that I love Luce" Natsu says "And that I'm going to be doing whatever I can to show her that I love her"

"You fu-" Sting begins to say

Squeezes his hand "Sting!"

"Thanks for the heads up" Sting says as he grinds his teeth

Bites my lip as I look from Natsu to Sting

July 1st
5:37 am
(Lucy/Sting's home)

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Natsu says as he kicks the door down with multiple gifts in his arms

"Natsu!" Helps him put the gifts on the table and hugs him "You didn't have to get me all of this"

"I'd get this and more for any woman that I loved oh and it doesn't hurt that you're my best friend" Natsu says as he messes up my hair

"What happened to the d- Oh hey Natsu" Sting says as he walks in

"Hey" Natsu says

"I brought it!" Happy says and flies in holding a box

"Happy!" Hugs him and kisses his forehead

"I'm gonna head out" Sting says "I'll be home at two"

Nods and sighs after he's gone "Natsu.."

"I can cheer you up! Lets go to the beach and get a nice tan" Natsu says

"That sounds like a great idea" Smiles and grabs the things we'll need

"Hello?" A woman says from the door

Turns to find Yukino "Oh hi"

"I heard that this is where Sting lives" Yukino says

"He's at work but I'll call him and tell him to come home" Pulls out my communication lacrima "Sting"

"What's up Blondie?" Sting asks

"Yukino is here"

"Yukino? Why the fu- I'll be right home" Sting says before hanging up

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