Chapter 1 Glances ~Chiaki POV~

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        As I walk down the stairs of Horde Academy, I decide to play on my video game for a while. I recently downloaded it and I was already on the tenth level, which isn't that surprising to me or people who know me. Normally whenever I'm at home, I tend to have my diner first, do my homework and then play video games on my PS4, laptop, or game console. Some people like to refer me as an ultimate gamer, but those are just people who tease me or just a joke me and some of my friends have. It's true that I play video games... A lot, but I don't spend my life on that because I know that's not why I'm here.                                                                                                     

         Anyway, as I continue walking down the stairs I end up accidentally dumping into someone which causes me to drop my game console. Luckily I was at one of the breaks -as I call it- on the stairs. "Sorry, I should've paid attention." I apologize as I grab my game console, but the person I bumped into doesn't say a word until I look to them in the eyes. The person I bumped into is a girl, they have brunette messy elbow length hair, and when I look at their eyes... They're two different colors. One of an oceanic blue color, and the other had been a golden type-ish yellow color. 

        "Eh, it's fine." The brunette answers almost blankly. As she heads down the stairs, I trail behind trying not to make it seem as though I'm following them; however even if it does seem that way, there's not really much of another way to go towards the exit unless I decide to rush past the brunette but I can't do it considering I'm playing on my game console. So, I decide to pause my game, put the console in my backpack, and try my best to rush past the person and I try to at least make it seem as though I'm late for something. 

        As soon as I reach the entry of the building, I spot my friend Hajime looking out the door waiting for me. It's been a habit he's done ever since our first meet on the second week of our last year of school, and he always seems as though he's lost in a thought so I do what I do normally and look out at the door a little until I poke his right arm, then once he notices me I give him a beaming smile. "Thanks for waiting, Hajime." I say as he smiles back and takes out his video game console as I do the same. 

        "What took you so long?" Hajime asks as we head out the door getting ready to play the video game that I got recently and he got recently as well. To put it this way, we had both downloaded the game on the same day and while I'm on level ten, Hajime is a little stuck on level three. The good thing about this game is that since it's an online video game, we can invite each other on different servers since we friended each other; though normally Hajime invites me whenever he needs help on the level he's on or I invite him just for the fun of it. 

        I think back on the question Hajime asked me and I sigh once we get into the same video game server. "Ms. Yukizome wanted to talk about the essay for this week on how we see the world through our eyes." I explain as me and Hajime begin to walk towards my house to work on our project we were assigned for art class together while we were playing on our video game consoles. 

        "What did she say?" Hajime asks as we prepare to take down an enemy combatant in the video game.

        I sigh. "She said she didn't see how it was my essay." I simplified as I hit collateral damage on the leader of the combat in the video game. Hajime gives me a confused expression on his face as he paused his game and I do the same, then I sigh once more as I put my console in my backpack and Hajime does the same. "Apparently when she looked at my essay, she thought it was Sonia's at first, until she re-read it once more and had no idea of whose it was until her twelfth read." I explained once more and Hajime nodded in understanding.

        "Do you think it describes you?" Hajime asks and it keeps me in deep thought for a little while. My essay had said that I always see people living happy, hope-filled lives and there were some people who needed help seeing that. I really did think that it describes how I see the world but... "Tell me one thing about your essay." Hajime interrupted my train of thought and I thought of one thing my essay said.

        "Well, one sentence I remember correctly is, 'In this world, we all have our differences; however we look past those differences and look for the good in all people.'" I quote and Hajime begins thinking about how that sounded, though once I said it out loud I already knew that it really did sound like someone else's essay. Hajime told me that it sounded as though I was hiding under a mask in my essay even though he had known I wasn't trying to. Although once we got to my house, we both made ourselves dinner and talked about what we could do with our art project.

        Once we began working on a module of what we could work on, the thought of the brunette girl I bumped into earlier came into my mind. I don't know why, but she seemed familiar somehow but I only supposed that I would figure it out eventually.

Authors Note: I hope you enjoy this fanfic as much as I am enjoying writing it! New chapters come before you know it. (HOPEfully)

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