Chapter 9 Hardships ~Catra POV~

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      I curled down in a ball next to Mikan who I had told to drag me over here where Adora is sitting with multiple of our old friends. It was hard to believe that Adora actually came back to this hell hole she had been in for only one year, but if only she knew that things changed for the school but not me; if she knows that then she would be smart enough not to come here but if she doesn't well then that stupid little piece of crap is dumber than I thought. I hear a few conversations going on through Mikan and Adora then Ibuki started talking to Mikan and Mahiru -the smart one- asked where I was. "Oh, well um, Catra needed to go to the bathroom and so..." Mikan stuttered a bit through her words as I waited to get this over with. I don't know why I decided to come to Adora's group and hide myself from them but I will talk to Adora about coming back here.

        "Boo!" I hear someone say which makes me jump and stand up while Mikan fell down in one of her weird positions. "Thanks for showing us Catra was here too, Mikan." Sayonji had said sweetly but bitterly considering she doesn't like Mikan that much.

        Hiyoko Sayonji, a excellent dancer yet a seemingly young girl who hit a growth spurt just a few months after Adora left

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        Hiyoko Sayonji, a excellent dancer yet a seemingly young girl who hit a growth spurt just a few months after Adora left. It's hard to believe why she decided to continue being friends with Adora considering she's almost the same as me... Almost. But putting that aside I'd say she's super annoying so I really don't care about who she decides to hang out with considering I know people who don't like her either.

        I stare at the group and some of them give me a surprised expression but others give me a worried glance... But Adora stares at me with the look of fear. Mikan gets up from the floor and stares at at both me and Adora. "Mikan, you can go back now." I tell her and she looks to me and Adora again then leaves carefully as Sayonji sits back down at her seat. I look straight towards Adora and I can tell she's trying to be confident right now but it's not working out for her. "Hey, Adora." I say then she tightens up a bit and looks down then right back at me. It's been a while since I've seen her face so freaked out before and for some reason I'm loving it. 

        "What the hell do you want, Catra?" Fuyuhiko asks me.

        Fuyuhiko Kuzuruyu, an old friend of mine who has a younger sister that's just dying to get accepted as someone with talent even though no one really cares about talents and what not at this school; but besides that he's pretty aggressive w...

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        Fuyuhiko Kuzuruyu, an old friend of mine who has a younger sister that's just dying to get accepted as someone with talent even though no one really cares about talents and what not at this school; but besides that he's pretty aggressive whenever he gets angry but I guess that's one of the reasons for why he's on Adora's side... I guess I was just too aggressive for his liking. "I don't want anything, except for a reason for-"

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