Chapter 4 Meeting Other Neighboors ~Adora POV~

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        (Pls ignore the slightness of Catra in the image) 

        I started heading out the door of my roommate Glimmer's apartment to head out to the mall and buy some supplies I needed. My hand trembled as I held onto the doorknob trying not to think about the risk I could be taking... 'There's no way she's up this early in the morning.' I think to myself and just before I turn the doorknob to head out the door-

        "Would you mind going by the grocery store to grab cereal, pancake mix, two cans of tomato soup, and bow tie pasta?" Glimmer calls out from the kitchen and I chuckle.

        "Sure thing!" I respond as I turn the doorknob and headed out the door. I sighed in relief as I didn't see anyone coming through the door on my right. Although, instead of seeing someone directly on my right, the apartment one door over from the one directly on my right had opened its door and in came out the girl I'd seen yesterday. I think her name was Sonia Nevemore? Nevertheless? Nevermind? Well anyway, as she had walked out the door she noticed me as she looked up before walking. "Uh, hi again!" I'd said awkwardly as she smiled towards me.

        "Hello, it's nice seeing you again..." Sonia had trailed off by I'm guessing trying to remember my name. "Adora?" Sonia asked and I nodded.

        "Right, and you're name's Sonia." I responded and she nodded as we stood in silcence for a moment until I gave out a sigh and looked up to Sonia again. "Well, nice seeing you." I said and as I turned around to go to head out to the mall-

        "Where are you going?" Sonia asked I'm assuming randomly and as I turned back to look at her, she had a hand covering her mouth.

        I didn't know if I wanted to respond knowing that she didn't mean to ask that question, but I guess that considering I don't leave the house when people that I know in other apartments here see me leaving, Sonia should have the right to know where I'm going since she seems concerned to see someone just heading out without knowing who they are. "I was just going to the mall." I explain very, very briefly and Sonia's eyes perked up. She explained that she was heading out to the mall as well so we ended up agreeing to walk together towards the mall.

        It wasn't too far, so while we were at it we started a small conversation. It was nice getting to know some of the other neighbors, and it's been a while since I'd talked to someone from the other apartments. Truth is, after an event that happened a little while back I'd been afraid of going outside anywhere public without anyone else from the other apartments watching me go out... Especially not her. When I say her, I don't mean Sonia or Glimmer I just mean an old friend that I cared a lot about. While me and Sonia are walking, we pass by my old school... Horde Academy.

        Memories of my times in that school fill my brain as I start shaking, I instinctively grab my right arm as I almost start a panic attack. "ra? Adra?" I hear parts of my name being called but I don't pay attention; instead I curl down as I put both of my hands on my head and begin hyperventilating as I remember good and bad times at this school. Fun times, sad times, favorite classes, least favorite classes, happy conversations, sad conversations, good friends, bad friends... My mind ignored reality entirely as the world around me seemed to be spiraling and I started getting a little dizzy. "ADORA!" I finally stopped panicking as I looked back to see Sonia at my side with a worried look on her face. 

        Sonia helped me get up as I looked back to the school and tensed up a bit. Normally I have these panic attacks under control by telling myself that I'm never going back their again... But this time is different; this time I felt like I was going to go inside and get myself murdered by... Catra. Ever since our fight before going into our final year of high school, I felt mixed feelings about Catra; I feel like if I ever saw her again, she'd do something worse than just fatally breaking my arm... "I... I'm sorry." I apologized to Sonia as she shook her hands.

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