Chapter 8 Return of Old Friends ~Mikan POV~

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        It's the start of the two exchange weeks. I'm nervous, excited, and scared thinking about who could be coming. One of my friends was pretty sure that some students from Bright Moon High will be coming although she's been saying that ever since she heard about the exchange program happening for this week and the next as well. I haven't seen who the exchange students who came or if any came at all however another friend of mine, Nagito, had told be that before he had gotten to class he had been showing the exchange students around the school. That's when I got nervous, so when I asked him for a hint all he had given me was, 'An old hope and a new despair has come for a visit.' How can I understand what that means!? 

        But, I guess that the more I tried guessing the more I ended up bumping into a wall -sometimes even literally. As I was working on the assignment my reading/English teacher, Ms. Yukizome, had given the class, I ended up stuck on a question and tapped a classmate of mine in the front desk on the shoulder to which they looked back to me. "Um, Scorpia, can you help me out with number twelve?" I'd asked a bit loudly considering that the classroom had been pretty loud and Ms. Yukizome hadn't minded the loud noise even if she could probably hear half the conversations.

        Scorpia had fully turned to me and looked towards question twelve on my paper. "You need to go back to the story in the first paragraph." Scorpia explained and I nodded then went back to the first paragraph. I had to admit, I can be pretty dumb sometimes but if only people could see that there's more to me than just a clumsy girl who helps out at the nurses office during her free period. The only one who can kind of see that is Scorpia and I guess Incould include my friend who thought that the exchange students would come from Bright Moon High, Catra, but she always calls me clumsy considering I am and I mostly fall in some weird positions during gym, reading/English, science, and definitely in the nurses office. "Hey, Mikan." My thoughts were interrupted by Scorpia who looked back at be again. "Do you think, in the exchange students group, she'll be one of them?" Scorpia asked and I jumped a bit thinking about the her Scorpia had mentioned.

        When we say her we don't mean anybof our classmates but rather... An old friend. Scorpia's never met her but she has heard a few stories from Catra; stories about Catra and... Adora. Adora was an old friend of ours, but she moved schools after our first year of high school here at Horde Academy and Catra started to hate her so much and then one day Catra had decided to stop talking to so many of us. That's when Scorpia had come along and Catra had started to be fifty fifty of both happy and sad; me and Catra still talk but she hasn't talked much to our other friends since the day Adora left. I have no idea what caused Catra to stop making friends or keep them so that she could start losing friends, but I guess she has Adora to blame for that if she wants to. I reverted back to reality and shook my head towards Scorpia. "There's no possible way that Adora could be here." I replied towards Scorpia who just sighed then turned back to her own assignment.

        Although I have to be honest here, I don't know if Adora really is willing to come back. I know how brave and courageous but I know what she went through in this school. Happiness, sadness, trauma... The trauma was caused by an old teacher of this school and her and Catra's old foster mother, Ms. Weaver; Ms. Weaver loved Adora but she hated -no, that isn't the right word, she abhorred Catra more than anyone or anything. Sometimes after weekends I would see a red marking on Catra's cheeks, I would see a bruise on her arms, and rarely I would see Catra limping but I never asked because I knew what was going on and each day whenever I got home I hoped that Catra would come to school the next day. Never once has she missed school but she  skips classes sometimes and I ask her if she needs me to take her to the nurses office, but she always denies the help which left me worried. 

        I occasionally saw a sad expression on Adora's face and it would be every time Catra wouldn't seem ok; whenever I asked Adora she would respond with, "Just some stuff happened yesterday after we got home." That answer was enough to let me know that something was going on but since I didn't have proof I couldn't tell anyone or even call an emergency hotline to let them know that something was going on. Soon after Catra had told me that Adora moved into an apartment with a friend and that had also moved schools,mI was relieved to know that Adora was safe from any abuse she might've gone through but then it was left down to Catra. After a few months, Catra had told me that she'd moved out of the foster home and into an apartment complex nearby the school. It took me another few months to learn that Catra had become neighbors with Adora and the friend Adora was living with. 

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