Bank Problems...

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3rd pov:

Inko midoryia and the bakugo family are in the bank paying Bill's and whatnot, they are talking peacefully while izuku and katsuki play close by, being the four year old they are. They are playing villains and heros, katsuki or kacchan as izuku called him is the villan he always let's izuku be the hero and as for izuku, the four year old is pretending to be The erasure hero: erasurehead, he is his favorite hero.

Izukus pov:

Me and kacchan are playing heros and villans I'm eraserhead, he's my favorite. Kacchan was in the middle of a supervillain move he made up when alarms and lights start flashing, kacchan grabs my hand and starts to run back to our parents when
two bullets fly past us and hit both on katsukis parents who are trying to get to us, my mum is knocked out on the ground I pull a shocked tear filled kacchan to a desk and shove him under and tell him so stay here and stay quiet, I get a half nod from him so I crawl toward my mother and shake her she starts to wake up when
"Hey you kid what do you think your doing?" A man with a black mask says
I have to think of somthing fast and so I do what any scared four year old would do and cry
"My mummy!!" I say between sons
I keep crying as he points a gun towards some other hostages as they squeak while shaking, I look at them and then to my mum and then to kacchan dead parents on the floor some meters away from me, I think 'I need a plan I need to protect everyone I need to help I need them to stay safe' as I'm thinking this, a green glow comes from me than shoots towards every hostage in the bank, the green light hits them in the chest and made a bubble looking thing to form around everyone but me and the robbers, the robber shoots towards the hostages with the bubbles and the bullets desiergrate as the touch the bubble he looks at me and starts walking towards me I'm still near my mother and her bubble is in between me and the robber, he points his gun at me and I close my eyes, I hear kacchan in the background yelling "IZU!" "BANG" than nothing I open my eyes and see that the bullet has stopped about a centermeter away from my head i unclench my fist that I didnt know had happened and the bullet dropped I look at the bullet for about a minute before someone picked me up, I looked to see long black hair and yellow goggles 'omg' "erasurehead?"
"I didnt expect you to know who I am." He answers back 'when did the heros get here?' "Do you know how to get rid of the bubbles problem child?"he asked, I thought about it's for awhile and a thought came to my head "Bubble down?"
It sounded more like a question but the bubbles did go down, people started getting taken away and kacchan's parent's bodies got taken away, my mother who didnt wake up got taken to the hospital and erasurehead was taking me to an ambulance to get checked up as he set me down someone latched themselves to my side I look and see a spiked blond head buried into my shoulder "kacchan... I'm sorry I couldn't protect them..." I say as I hug him back, he didnt say anything back and he fell asleep while crying into my shoulder "you should probably sleep too" erasurehead says to me and so I close my eyes and fall into the deep abyss of slumber.

As I woke up I heard sniffles, I open my eyes and see I'm in my room with kacchan still cringed to my side "kacchan?" "I'm sorry I woke you up izu..." "no no it's fine, you went through somthing terrible" "izu.... you save me and so many others.... what's your quirk?" "I dont know from what I can remember I used that bubble thing and tele-tele-kin-esis" "when you go to the doctors can I come too?" " you can come everywhere with me I will always be here for you" he starts crying again "th-thank y-you i-izu" " anytime kacchan" knock-knock "izuku hunny, katsuki dear? We have to go to the doctors to see izukus quirk/s"
"Okay mum/auntie" with that we got dressed and where off.

Well this is my first chapter, I hope you enjoyed it more I'll come whenever I feel like doing it...
If you have any questions about this book just ask away I the comments or somthing

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