Chapter 4: First Day At School

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"Hey, 'scuse me but can you help me out?"

Naruto held a paper in his hand which revealed his whole schedule. Today was the first day at his school. He confronted a broody-looking guy and gave him a friendly smile.

After he had settled down at Iruka's, he let him finally go to school. So far he wasn't struggling as bad as he thought.

"Uh, yeah..... let me see." The broody-looking boy took Naruto's schedule and scanned the paper. Eyeing him up and down, Naruto thought the guy looked somewhat cute. He watched him with curiosity as he scanned his schedule.

"So you're new?" The guy looked up and made eye contact with Naruto. His expression looked calm and composed.

"Yeah, so I don't really know anything around here." Naruto gave a light-hearted chuckle and  scratched the back of his head. The guy made no other expression besides the one he was already doing.

That almost made Naruto wish he had picked someone else for help.

"Oh! I almost forgot, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, nice to meet you." He held his hand up to make a waving gesture. Naruto was hoping he'd make friends with this new guy he hadn't met before.

"Sasuke..... Sasuke Uchiha. It also seems we're heading to the same class for first period. We've both got English." Sasuke had handed Naruto's schedule back to him. He didn't wait for Naruto at all and walked past him, continuing to walk towards his destination.

"Thanks- Hey, wait up! We're going the same way right? Let me tag along." Naruto folded his schedule and stuffed it in his pockets. He quickly continued after Sasuke but it seems he had decided to stop speaking to Naruto.

"Could at least wait for me, asshole." Naruto muttered under his breath.

Their first encounter with one another wasn't as great as it would picture. At first, Naruto had believe the guy was cute and good looking but his personality so far had irritated him. Just something he wouldn't say out loud.

Sasuke hadn't thought much of the Naruto guy, except that there was an odd faint smell that he couldn't pinpoint. In short, he found him a bit annoying and possibly troublesome.

He couldn't get annoyed at him for following him as he had forgotten to tell him where to go, except that they both went to the same class. Once he had gotten to class, he went straight his seat, leaving Naruto behind. He didn't even speak to him anymore as he found no reason to.

Naruto stood there awkward and lost as a puppy. The class was already filled with few students with a few who stared at him out of curiosity. He looked over at Sasuke for any support but nothing. He had completely ignored him and had started reading a book.

"Hey kid, you okay? You look like some lost puppy." A deep voice came from behind Naruto. He looked behind him to see where the voice would be coming from. In front of him, a teacher had stood there with spiky white hair and a mask covering half of his face.

Naruto thought: how odd.

"Uh, hello. I'm a new student starting today." Naruto spoke. He felt tiny compared to him. He didn't know how to feel about it.

"Oh really? Great. You must be....." The teacher pondered for a bit before an imaginary exclamation point appeared on the top of his head, "Naruto Uzumaki. Am I correct?"

"Y-Yes that's me, sir." Naruto stuttered and in his head he was taken back by his stuttering. He often didn't stutter and not for any new teacher he met.

"Well nice to meet you Uzumaki. My name is Mr. Kakashi and I'll be your English teacher from here on forth. You can choose your seat all the way back there, next to Neji. The one with the forehead band." Mr. Kakashi pointed over at the direction of some guy with long hair and a forehead band, just like he said.

Naruto nodded and made his way to Neji. Class had started and people stared at Naruto wondering who he was and where he had came from.

The only person who didn't seem to care anymore was the Sasuke guy he met earlier. Although, Naruto didn't mind anymore since the guy would end up being the least of his concerns.

Naruto sat next to Neji and took his stuff out. Neji had a forehead band just like Mr. Kakashi had said and he had long hair held into a low pony tail. He wore a track sweater and some normal jeans with white sneakers. He looked sporty but he didn't seem like the buff type.

"My name is Neji Hyuga, nice to meet you, Naruto" Neji spoke to Naruto who had been caught off guard and waved back a 'hi'.

Class had gone smooth and Naruto ended up handling it more better than he had thought. He still didn't recognize or know anyone besides Sasuke and Neji.

Towards the end, Neji had came up to Naruto in a friendly manner.

"Need any help? For your schedule, I mean, if you haven't gotten it sorted out on where to go yet." He spoke in a kind yet respective manner.

"Please" Naruto took Neji's help on where to go for all of his classes. He was glad to have gotten all the help from him.

Towards the end of Neji's help, he had offered Naruto the chance to sit at his table for lunch if he had wanted to. Naruto thanked him.

With the help of him, Naruto had managed to go through most of his classes smoothly. He had even made a few friends in those classes. One of them was an odd bunch of three friends who had called themselves the Ino-Shika-Cho team whenever they collectively got into groups. There was another friend with a knack for imitating dog howls.

For his first day so far, he was glad to had easily made friends and at the very same time, glad that not many could notice his omega smell so easily on this day.

When his smell becomes noticeable then that might be a problem.


Bruh had this drafted for a few months but totally forgot. I've been writing a completely different story whenever I feel like it, I just never post it.

I kinda get writers block on how to fully kick off this story I don't know and I'm trying not to forget things so I don't end up inconsistent on the way down.

The Alpha To My Omega [SasuNaru] (Discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ