Chapter 7: Shuttlecock This

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Art class was weird, to say the least.

The teacher wasn't very talkative and might've hated the kids. He also creates puppets in his free time. There was one single student that perhaps weirded Naruto out a bit for his straightforward personality.

"I'll draw anything for you if you promise one single date with me, what do you think? I know this real nice coffee shop if you're into coffee."

Sitting in a table full of other students, Naruto had the luck of sitting next to a guy named Sai.

At first, Naruto didn't talk to many of them and had created art in his own way the best he could. Although, that changed when Sai managed to trade a seat with his original partner.

He would often smile and wave at Naruto whenever he would see him.

"Haha, no thanks." Naruto awkwardly chuckled as he attempted to get back to his work.

He appreciated the guy for being nice and welcoming to him, but his attempts towards getting a date from him were odd to him.

"Fine then how about this. I draw you something and you promise to hang out with me in the future." Sai had a pencil in his hand and a blank sheet of paper in front of him. He was serious and wasn't about to let up right away.

"Sai, just leave him alone. Be his friend before you ask him for a date." The new voice belonged to a girl that was sitting across from them. She had short pink hair and pretty green eyes.

Sakura Haruno

Naruto recognized her from the couple of times he had seen her around. He wouldn't necessarily say she was popular but he's seen her around with her friends.

She usually hung out with Ino, who was someone Naruto met on his first day and another girl who had long purple hair with bangs. The other girl he hadn't met but he believes her name was Hinata or something.

Sai scoffed and went back to drawing in his sketchbook.

'Thank you' Naruto mouthed at Sakura while Sai wasn't looking. Sakura smiled and nodded at him.

"So, what's your favorite kind of art? We haven't talked much before which by the way, I'm Sakura." She gave a short wave. Something about her demeanor made her feel like a humble person.

"Oh, hi, I'm Naruto.  Also I'm not sure, it's either between surrealism or graffiti art." Naruto responded.

"Really? Mines probably pop art. I like how it just hmmm..... pops" Sakura giggled.

Sai temporarily looked up and raised an eyebrow at her for the lame pun. He went back to drawing shortly after.

Both of them spoke to each other for the rest of class. They talked about simple stuff such as who they were and what they did.

From that hour, Naruto had learned that Sakura was the vice president of girl's wrestling club and worked part-time at her parent's candy shop. She had also casually revealed that she was a beta.

Naruto didn't reveal too much about him, except that he moved from Sunagakure to live here for a short amount of time before moving back home. He also explained that he hasn't found out what class he was just yet.

"Thats's amazing. I think we're already great friends. May I suggest you sit with me and my friends today? Sometimes we also sit with your friends too. Right, Sai?" Sakura suggested.

Sai didn't respond to her but instead got up and went to go wash his hands over by the sink. Sakura had been suggesting how Sai would sometimes sit in the same table as Naruto but not as often. Instead, he'd often be in art club or just in art class and painted to improve his art.

The Alpha To My Omega [SasuNaru] (Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें