Chapter 5

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"Dad I already said, I will help you how I can, right now is not a good time, I'm on my way to the bank. I'll send up some money... I dunno dad around six thousand dollars. Don't go spending it all when you get it."

Kevin entered the bank and walked up to the front desk.

"I'd like a cheque for six thousand dollars, please. "

The lady nodded and sighed him the cheque.

"Thank you. "

He left the bank before heading back to his car and resuming the call with his father.

("I was just asking son. You know how your old man gets") 
"Well I'll make sure mum keeps you in check then.
("You really think your mother is going to stop me spending money.)
"It is my money dad. I'll make sure that you don't go wasting my money like you did the last time."
(Alright, I'll admit that it wasn't a good thing to go off and spend your money like that son but-")
"But what dad? There is no but, I went out my way to help you out if the mess you put yourself in, mums health is degrading every day because she works so many jobs trying to make some money to keep the family stable and what do you do? You spend money like its nothing and look where you are now. "
("Now do not use that tone with me mister, you know how difficult it is stop gambling when you've been doing it for years now. ")
"Because you've never tried to stop. Now look where that's gotten the family. "

He was driving up near his street.

"That's not my issue dad, you need to fix your own life problems that you-"

He stopped and stared out the window of his car. He wasn't on a busy street so he didn't have to worry about people getting upset about him stopping. He was looking at one person who was walking down the street with their hands in their pockets in a black jacket and skinny jeans and black shoes, brown hair hanging loosely around their shoulders. Kevin recognized the body shape and the walk anywhere and pulled over, locking his car after he got out, before chasing after them.

"Avi! "

The brunette turned to face him before walking away from him.

"Avi please, I know you don't wanna talk to me but could you please listen? "

"i don't wanna listen. "

"Avi... "

He turned around to look the darker man in the eyes.

"what? what is there to say? do you know how hard it has been for me? i can't even trust my own sister because of what happened. ive had trust issues before but not to the point when i can't trust my sister. she's my best friend and the fact that i can't trust her not to leave me hurts. im scared she will... she won't though right? "

Seeing the man he loved looking so broken and unsure about everything and everyone that loved him was painful.

"she wouldn't dare. she loves you too much. "

Kevin went to turn back to his car but a hand stopped him.

"walk me? "

Avi wanted him to walk him home. The first interaction they've had in ages. And he didn't have to instigate it.

"sure. "

He went to walk next to him but felt a body press against his. Avi was leaning on his side while walking next to him.

"sorry... cold. "

He went to wrap his arms around him bit stopped. Avi still didn't trust him fully. What if he moved away when he did?

"you can put your arms around me. i won't run, i'll try not to anyways... "

He must've noticed his arms. He was hesitant but his arm made its way around smaller man. He did flinch but Kevin expected it. But he didn't move. The walk back to the house was silent and soon, Avi was unlocking the front door and stepping inside.

"See you later, Avi. "

Kevin went to leave but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"thank you, i-its difficult to trust people at the moment but... you're making it a bit easier... a thanks for helping move me in... appreciate it... "

What Avi did next really did shock Kevin.

He stood on his toes and kissed him. It was short but full of love and passion. Avi broke the kiss and smiled at the man.

"see you later. "

Avi closed the door leaving a stunned, yet smiling Kevin. He walked back to his car before taking off to his home.

So we're starting to see Avi re-gaining his trust in Kevin. But will it last?

Stay Royal My Royalties 👑👑👑~~

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