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"Who gave you all permission to touch him?!" Yoongi yelled, his voice echoing throughout the room.

You could see the rage in his eyes as he stared down the guards. "The boy right here is twelve! I do not care what he does but I would never hit him!"

Yoongi turned to look at his personal assistant Jieun. "Bring him here"

Her eyes widened but she obeyed him and ran somewhere else.

Yoongi didn't move until the person he wanted to arrive. "Spare no one." And with that, he and Jieun exited the room.


After crying his heart out he fell asleep by the door, his face was red and puffy. It was quite obvious that the boy wouldn't stop crying until he has seen his little brother.

Fortunately, Yoongi did not do any harm to him and punished those who did. He may be very cruel but to hurt a twelve-year-old boy for just a punch was something he refused to do.

Jimin was tapped awake, he felt scared and angry when he saw who tapped him, mostly anger filled his body.

"Its time for you to eat, and I'm not asking. I won't starve you no matter how much you hate me." He said firmly and grabbed the younger's hand, pulling him up.

"Where's my brother?" Jimin said he didn't care about anything but his brother at the moment.

"He's being taken care of, not to worry." Yoongi sighed, pulling him out the room.

Soon they arrived at a door which the guards outside opened for him and Yoongi to enter.

Jimin fell tears well up in his eye's when he saw his little brother lying in bed he looked like he was jumped.

He slowly walked over to him and fell on his knees, crying in the blanket covering him up.

Jihyun eye's opened, he turned his head to look him Jimin who hadn't noticed he was awake.

"Hyung.." He whispered but it was still audible.

Jimin wiped his tears and hugged him, "it's all my fault..I'm sorry, for putting you through this.." He whispered, voice cracking.

"Hyungie... it's okay you didn't do this to me" Jihyun said while hugging him.

[a few days later]

Everything was getting better, Yoongi had been more kind to Jimin. Jihyun went back home, they were trying to figure out a schedule so Jimin could visit him.

until everything crashed down once again.

Taehyung and Jungkook got into a heated argument, he accused Taehyung of cheating on him with one of the maids because she was in his room a lot with him alone.

it ended up with Taehyung yelling at Jungkook harshly and telling him he was being too insecure and that he was getting on his nerves.

Jungkook had a breakdown and ran away, the only other place he knew was Yoongi's palace.

He was let in by the guards immediately, crying the whole way there.

"H-Hyung!" The boy cried in Yoongi's arms.  "h-he said so many mean things to me!"

"Calm down, Koo. I'll talk to him just please calm down."

Jungkook attempted to calm down but only made it worse, he was an over thinker.

his mind started believing this was Taehyung's way of pointing out he wanted their relationship to be over.

that lead to another breakdown, and then another, and way more to come.

[later, jimin]

Jimin was doodling quietly with the notebook Yoongi gave to him, he hadn't been good enough to be permitted a TV just yet.

But he didn't care too much about it since he never had watched tv before, his parents were too poor to afford any type of television so he wasn't bothered by it.

Jimin remembered the time he was put in the dungeon, they still couldn't figure out who had food poisoned him.

He just knew he had to be careful around everyone.

No one informed him about Jungkook's arrival nor had he heard all the crying and running around.

If anyone had told him, he probably would've been a good help to calming Jungkook down, since he was a very good listener when people had problems.

[back to yoongi]

Yoongi was listening Taehyung go on and on about how he wanted to apologize to Jungkook and tell him how much he didn't mean anything he said to him.

But Yoongi called bullshit, he rolled his eyes about 17 times in a minute listening to all the things he said he would do. "Taehyung, look. You're my cousin and all but you know Jungkook and Namjoon are like brothers. He rescued him from his abusive father blah blah blah, built a friendship with him, nurtured him back to good health, and asked for you to continue to take care of him with your whole soul since he felt as if he couldn't do it." Yoongi paused.

"if Jungkook tells Namjoon that you so little raised your voice at the guy, you're dead meat, he won't care if you're his boyfriend or helped him little. you fucking dead and I'm not saving you, because you don't treat a loved one like that. he has rights to believe you cheated on him, and it was right of him to confront you about it instead from running away from the problem. I don't have time to be dealing with your messes Kim Taehyung, I have a problem of my own and it's getting out of hand so please dont bother me with your 'relationship problems.' " He snapped.

Taehyung eyes widened, he was so fucked up. "I don't know what to say besides I'm sorry...I was being selfish coming to rant to you about this. I mean you're a soon to be king with his own problems and little toy" He gritted out. "Thanks for letting me know you didn't care." 

He left the palace without another word, despite being called back just as many times Yoongi rolled his eyes that day.


this is a mess, sorry <3

school is hell btw😔

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