Shooting stars / Jinkook

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A Phone call between Jungkook and Seokjin at night. A short Oneshot without mature scenes.

"Hello? Hyung?", Jungkooks voice melodiously floats through the phone, straight to Seokjin, who smiles while hearing the cuteness of it. His heart suddenly skips a beat, before pounding ridiculously hard.

"Hey kook-ah!". Breaking the created bubble of thoughts, Seokjin chooses to answer while continuing folding his clothes, which are freshly dried. He lays the device between his ear and shoulder in order to do that comfortably.

"Ah good evening, Hyung.", The younger sounds surprisingly cheerful, almost to the point of an euphoric state, earning a bright smile from Seokjin, who listens carefully.

"How do I owe the pleasure of a call from the golden maknae?", the oldest gives up on trying to stabilize the phone on his shoulder and turns on the loudspeaker instead.

If someone questions why the members are not just visiting each other in their rooms, well, that is because BTS chose to go on a break after publishing their recent album. They separated to other cities. Seokjin simply stayed at the dorm, while Jungkook here traveled to Busan, visiting his family to celebrate his birthday, which will be next week.

"I dunno, felt like it.", The youthfulness refreshes Seokjin, giving him some comfort in the hugeness of the house while being surrounded by silence. "I'm stargazing right now.", he adds, looking at the sky and leaning back on a hammock in the garden.

"Oh,", Seokjin starts, deciding to do the duties later and instead lie down on the couch near a window, similarly observing the stars, "How's Busan?", he asks, closing his eyes to enjoy the lovely voice.

"Nice! We had a huge family dinner party today.", Jungkook says, sounding so enthusiastic and loveable that is sends tingles all over Seokjins abdomen, "My mother told me, that shooting stars will appear at night today. Around 100 per hour. 'm still waiting, though.".

"Seriously? I've never seen one.", Seokjin replies, getting up to grab a blanket and head towards the balcony on the second floor, "When did you start looking for them?".

"Me neither. That's why I'm so excited! Hm, around 10 PM, I guess.", answers the younger, not advertising his gaze from the shining brightness. It is beautiful, no doubt. Maybe the night sky looks even more stunning tonight with Hyungs voice beside.

"It's - 11.23 PM now. Wow, you're really eager to catch one.", Seokjin laughs, getting comfortable on a cushioned chair, which leans backwards. "Yeah,", the maknae chuckles, "I got bored, though. How's having the dorm to yourself?".

"Awful. It's too quiet if you look at the fact, that it's never silent. I miss you.", Seokjin softens his voice with the last statement, genuinely meaning it. "Aww, Hyungie. I miss you too.", replies the younger, smiling brightly and displaying his bunny teeth with it. Seokjin gins, eyes shimmering as the moonlight reflects on them.

"I kinda wish you'd be here, Hyung.", Jungkook says with a deeper voice, sounding sincere. Something shifts inside Seokjin, while hearing those words. It is a powerful feeling, something he got so familiar within the last months. "I wish I'd be there, Jungkookie.".

A moment of comfortable silence is present, before Seokjin closes his eyes, drowning within the softness of the youngers light breathing. It is almost inaudible, but the older still hears it. How could he not? "Tell me something.", says the maknae, "Anything."

Seokjin almost, almost, could not hear it because of his clouded senses, but regains sanity quickly. "Hmm,", the eldest tries recalling interesting moments which happened in the past days, "I have nothing really.. Oh! Wait! There is this documentary I watched about parallel universes!"

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