Chapter 1

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I slowly opened my eyes. I was laying on my bed. I saw the light coming down from my window. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I slowly sat up and looked outside my window.

The light from the window was flickering every now and then from people walking past. I stretched out my legs and arms and slowly got up. I walked over to my table and looked at the note I wrote for my dad. I picked it up and scanned it with my eyes, trying to find any spelling mistakes.

I slowly put it back down and grabbed my shirt. I pulled it over my head and dragged it down to my waist. I then jumped into my pants and slipped on my socks and shoes. I slowly walked up to my door. I looked back. I looked to the ground. I forgot to talk to my father.

I turned back around into my room I opened a draw and took out my fathers revolver. I slowly and carefully put it onto the side of my bed. I got down on my knees and put my head against the bed.

"Hey dad. It's me again. I hope you can hear me. Somehow. Today's going to be a big day. The railway lines for the trains will finally meet up with Murray Bridge. It's good news. But we've still got so much to do. We still haven't seen a dead one. It's been five years. They are extinct now. We haven't seen the people from Brisbane for a while. Which is a good thing, they have more guns and ammunition then us, I don't know how they have preserved them for this long. But lastly Lauren still hasn't returned. It's been four years now, I'm scared for her. Anyway, I've gotta go. I love you dad" I said.

I slowly stood up and picked up the revolver. I looked at it for a while. I saw the scratches on the side and the wear. It was starting to rust a little bit. I slowly put my dad's revolver back into the draw. I stood up and let out a long breath out.

"Here's to another day" I said to myself.

I walked out of the room and I looked out at my people happily walking around. They don't even think of the dead anymore. They are long gone. No one is afraid. I continued to walk towards the crops when I heard someone running up to me. I could already tell that it was Prince.

Prince is a nice man. He's smart and handsome, but because we grew up together he's like my brother. It would be weird to go out with him.

"Morning Samantha!" Prince yelled.

"Morning" I said back.

He stopped to catch his breath but I kept walking. He then quickly caught up to me walking beside me.

"Do you need any help?" Prince asked.

"I'm fine. Actually could you please go and fill up all the water buckets and bring them over to the crops?" I asked.

"Sure. I'll do that right away" Prince said running off towards the water tank.

I grinned as I got up to the crops. I crouched down to look at them. The tomatoes looked ripe. They were ready to pick. I grabbed a basket and started picking them. I got around about fifty tomatoes. That's when Prince came running over with two buckets full of water. He put them onto the ground and stood over them looking heroic.

"Thanks" I said grabbing a bucket.

I started to slowly pour the water onto the plants. It looks like it's going to be a hot couple of days, so I think the plants would really enjoy the water.

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