Chapter 9

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After a long day I decided to head back to my crew. Samantha went out into the woods somewhere. Probably to have a quick break. She's going through a lot. I wish I could do more for her. But she doesn't want help.

I was walking along the railway lines. I could see that the metal is rusted. We might have to do something about that and get rid of the rust. I finally made it to the my crew. They looked confused.

"Where's Samantha?" One of them asked.

"She had a break. She will be back soon. I think we all deserve the same. Everyone rest" I said.

My crew all sat down and caught their breath. It's been exhausting. We've done a lot of work. We still got a lot to go. We aren't anywhere finished yet. I sat down and looked at my crew. I smiled. I'm happy to get to live this long. I'm thankful for what Sam did for us. For his thoughts. He pushed us in the right direction. He saved his people, if he didn't we wouldn't be here today. We would still be where we were many years ago.

I slowly took off my bag and I unzipped it. I looked in and took out a loaf of bread. I ripped it in half and ate a bit. It was delicious. It was fluffy and soft. It was baked just two days ago in Melbourne. I looked up at the sky. The sun was almost over the horizon. I would say there was about two hours of sunlight left. I don't like working at night. We are gonna have to head back soon. I let my crew have a five minute break. I then stood up.

"It's going to be dark soon. Let's head back" I said.

All of my crew members stood up and we all walked down the railway lines heading back to our horses so we could ride back to Melbourne.


I couldn't believe it. I am finally the Governor of Melbourne. I am the leader of every community. I feel like I can do anything. But I need to start somewhere small.

I think I need to change up Trial Day this year. I'm going to make it different to every other year. I grabbed a notebook and started writing down all of my ideas. A dress up for kids, change the play and an after party. I had so many ideas.

Firstly the dress up. This year I'm going to make it so kids can dress up as anything they want. They can dress up as things related to the Trials or anything they want. Although the play about Sam Rose is good, I think it needs a change. Instead of being sad all the way through and Sam Rose having the happy ending. I'm going to change it up. I'm going to show everyone what the Trials were, and that everyone who was in the Trials should be cared and loved for, including me. Lastly an after party. For eighteen and up only. There will be alcohol singing, dancing, everything!

I put the notepad into my pocket and quickly raced off. First of all I needed to talk with the drama class who were acting in the play. I need to tell them what to do. I got to the large hall and ran inside. I saw all the actors and actresses all up on stage practicing their lines.

"Everyone! Please gather around me!" I yelled.

They all looked confused. They didn't know that I was the new Governor. I smirked.

"I am the new Governor. My mother has given me the leash to control this place. So do as I say. Gather around me!" I yelled.

They all quickly gathered around me and listened to me. It felt so good. To have all this power in my hands.

"I want to change the play. Instead of having a happy ending I want it to be a gruesome and brutal ending. I want you people to show the audience what the Trials were really like. Do you think you can do that for me?" I asked.

The Arising: The FinaleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant