Chapter 17

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There was a lot to be done. As we rode back to the crumbled West Pac building I could see all of the damage. All the smoke was gone and it was clear. We all stopped and got off of our horses. I looked behind me and saw all of my people getting off wagons and horses. They took out shovels, picks and some other tools and all walked over to me.

"Ok. Let's at least clear it enough for a pathway. We don't want any blocked roads" I said as one of my people handed me a shovel.

I took it off of her and thanked her. I then turned around and walked to the rubble. I started to dig and chuck the rubble to the side. My people helped. It was going to be a long day.

"Hey, Sam when's our first break?" A man asked.

I remember him, he is one of the gardeners at Underdale. I didn't think about having a break time.

"Every two hours, I'll pass around water every hour as well" I said.

The man nodded and walked away. As he walked away I saw Prince walking up to me. He had a pickaxe. He started to chip the rubble away next to me so I could shovel it away.

"What are we going to do about these people?" Prince asked.

I looked up at Prince. He didn't look at me. He just kept chipping away at the rubble. I scooped a large chunk of rubble up and threw it to the side.

"I don't know. I'm not good at making decisions. I'm not a leader, the only reason I'm the leader is because of my dad" I said.

"I heard that your dad wasn't a leader either. But he stood up because he knew he was the only one who could do it" Prince said.

"Do you remember him much? Do you remember Ana?" I asked.

"I don't remember Sam much. I've forgotten his voice. I loosely remember what he looks like. But my mum, I remember her voice, I remember what she looks like, but I'm forgetting what kind of things we did. I miss her" Prince said.

I nodded.

"I miss them as well" I said as Prince look at me.

I looked around. Everyone was working hard. We have moved a lot of rubble out of the way already. But we still have a lot to go. We were lucky not everyone from Underdale went to Trial Day. They were able to help out with clean up. As I was about to shovel some more I heard horses galloping behind us. I turned around and saw Andrew and Georgia riding together towards us.

I waved as they both waved back. I wonder why Georgia was here. I would of thought she was out delivering. I saw Lauren looking up as well and looked happy to see Andrew and Georgia. They both got off of their horses and I hugged them both. Lauren and Prince hugged them as well. It felt good. The five of us all back together. We just need Jonah, Hayley and Gabriella and it would be like the Trials again. Oh wait forgot about Stella.

"You guys ok? We just heard and came quickly. Found Georgia on the way. Who do you think did this?" Andrew asked.

"The Tower" I said straight away.

We all stood still in silence for a couple seconds.

"What are we going to do?" Georgia asked.

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