Chapter 20

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My head started to feel dizzy. I started to have a really bad headache. I put my hand onto my head as a I started to hear ringing in my ears. I hit myself in the head hard. I started to see flashes and glimpses from the hallucinations I had. I hit myself in the head even harder.

"Wake up. Wake up" I said to myself.

"You're a good girl" I heard a voice in my head.

"No! Get out of my head! Leave me alone! Get out! Get out! Get out!" I said hitting myself over and over again.

I felt someone grab me from behind. They grabbed my arms so I couldn't hit myself anymore. I reacted and I turned around. I got out of their grip and I pushed them hard.

"Good girl, you're such a good girl" I heard more voices in my head.

My vision started to get better. I looked at the ground and I saw Prince on the ground. I didn't even recognise that it was him. I started to cry. Harder then ever before.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Prince. Please help me. I don't know what's wrong with me. Please help me" I said falling onto Prince and hugging him.

He hugged me tightly back and rubbed my head. We sat there together for a few minutes it was nice. He helped me calm down a little bit.

"It's ok, just calm down. These voices in your head aren't real. They can't hurt you. They won't hurt you. You're better then them. You just have to fight back" Prince said.

"I don't think I can Prince. I just miss my dad so much! I miss him so much! I can't stand living without him. Everyday I wake thinking he woke me up. But he's not there. He's not here, and I haven't seen a body yet. I want him back Prince. I need him back" I said crying even more.

I could feel tears rushing down my neck to my clothes and onto Prince's clothes. They became very damp, but Prince didn't care, he kept patting my back and rubbing my head.

"I get what you mean. You want closure. Why don't we both go out. Why don't we try to look for him? We can talk with Stella and maybe she can pull together a search team. We can find him, because he's out there" Prince said.

"You would do that?" I asked.

"Yes. I would. He deserves to be found. So why don't we walk to Underdale and have someone look over you. Then we can go out and look for him, together?" Prince said.

"Ok" I said sniffling.

I slowly stood up. My legs were dead from the awkward angle I landed on them. I slowly limped with Prince's arm around my shoulder. We were almost there. I could recognise the road. I searched for my dad here. My eyes started to feel droopy and tired. I all of a sudden started feeling tired. I fell to the ground and I blacked out.

I don't know where I went. I was somewhere else. I was in another dream. Maybe the drugs haven't worn completely off yet. I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned around and I saw my dad standing there with an angry expression on his face. He had blood all over him from his shoes to his face. He looked right into my eyes and frowned with a creepy smile.

"Good girl" He said.

He brought his finger to his mouth and told me to be quiet. Just like the Whisperers did. All of a sudden he fell to his knees and I watched as his skin peeled off slowly and decayed. He was just a pile of bones covered in blood on the floor. My feet started to feel could. I looked down and I noticed that I was standing in an ocean of blood.

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