Chapter 13

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I took my machete out of the head of the girl I killed. I was sitting down next to her, looking into what was left of her eyes. Her head was opened from the machete and I could see her skull and brain. I slowly stood up and looked at the people we lost. We lost three of our people. My friends. My people.

I saw everyone putting blankets over the dead bodies and I saw the families and friends of the dead people all gathered around the bodies crying. One man who was crying was the persons boyfriend. They were a good couple. He stood up and looked at me.

"We need to bring justice to these people. They they kill out people they are all murderers! They don't deserve to live! We need our revenge!" The man yelled crying.

I put my hand onto the top of his head and closed my eyes. Everyone all gathered around us and put their hands onto everyone's shoulders. We all stood together.

"Everyone inside!" I yelled.

We picked up the three dead bodies and carried them inside. The loved ones stabbed them in the head so they wouldn't turn. As we closed the gates and locked them. The loved ones stayed out with the dead bodies while the rest of us walked up the tower to our meeting room. I sat down in my chair which is at the end of the table. I looked up at everyone.

"Anyone got any ideas on how we can deal with these people?" I asked.

"These people are weak. We easily killed them. They don't know how to fight. Which means the ones who attacked us must of been born after the dead walked" my friend called Beatrice said.

"Even though they are from after the dead, they still tried to kill us, making them and everyone apart of their communities murderers. They must all planned this, so we need to act!" I said slamming the table.

"I'm sure all of the people they have that survived the dead are probably old and weak. They wouldn't be an issue for us. We should win this fight" Jake said he's one of the more annoying people apart of the Tower but he's smart.

"We still have the dynamite that we never used. They could come in handy" Beatrice said.

"Yes. Why don't we blow down their tower" I said smiling.


I was laying down on the hospital bed alone looking up at the ceiling and playing with my lips. I was waiting for the woman to pick up first to talk to me. I'm hoping she isn't from Brisbane. That's the first question I'm going to ask her. The radio buzzed and I turned it on. I picked up the microphone.

"Hey? You still here?" The woman said.

"Yes I'm here" I said.

The door opened to the infirmary. I quickly turned off the radio and put the microphone down. I saw Georgia walk in. She smiled and sat next to me.

"Hey how you feeling sweetie?" Georgia asked.

"A little better. Still hurts, I just can't wait to get out of here" I said.

"I bet you can't. You still the radio girl?" Georgia asked smiling.

"Yeah I am. I'm still communicating to the other communities" I said.

"Damn. You should try finding other communities out there. I bet there would be others" Georgia said.

"Yeah. I'll try" I said lying.

The door opened again and I saw Andrew walk in. He smiled at me and saw Georgia next to me.

"Hey. Didn't know you were coming in today" Andrew said.

"Likewise" Georgia said.

Andrew walked to the other side of me and held my hand.

"Sorry I couldn't see you sooner I was pretty busy. You doing ok?" Andrew asked.

"I'm doing good. It's good to have the company" I said.

"What exactly happened? I heard that a tree fell on top of you" Andrew said.

"Yeah. The tree was on an angle on top of the tracks so I tried cutting it up, and it fell on top of me. I was there for about a day" I said.

"Damn. You're one tough lady" Andrew said.

I smiled and laughed. A few hours past of us all talking together. It was fun. But I was eager to talk to the woman on the radio. I was hoping she was still there. Andrew and Georgia soon left, and I was alone again.

I picked up the microphone again and turned on the radio. I closed my eyes hoping that she was still there. I slowly pressed down the button to talk.

"Hello? You still there?" I asked.

"Yes! I'm here! Where did you go?" The woman asked.

"Sorry. I was in an accident and people came in to see me. I turned the radio off so they wouldn't find out about you" I said.

"That's ok. What happened, are you ok?" The woman asked.

"A tree fell on top of me, but I'm fine. But back to us. I was wondering if I could ask you a question. You don't have to answer, but I would like you to" I said.

"Go ahead" The woman said.

"Are you from Brisbane?" I asked.

"No, I'm not. I'm far away from Brisbane. Why do you ask?" She asked.

"The people that live there are a threat to us. We are trying to be as cautious as possible with them. We haven't had to deal with people for a long time" I said.

"That doesn't sound good. We are lucky to be away from everything. Haven't had a conflict in years. What about a question for a question? Are you from Adelaide?" The woman asked.

I was shocked that she guessed it so quickly.

"I am. How did you know?" I asked.

"It was just a guess. I think we should reveal our names don't you think?" The woman asked.

"Ok. You first" I said.

"My name is Lizabeth nice to meet you. What's your name?" The woman asked.

"My name is Samantha Rose, nice to meet you as well" I said.

"Well Samantha Rose, I'm sure your gonna have a huge surprise" Lizabeth said.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Don't worry you'll find out soon. I've got to go now. I need to have a chat with a friend" Lizabeth said.

"Ok. Will you be back tomorrow?" I asked.

"I sure will. See you Samantha" Lizabeth said.

"See you" I said putting the microphone down onto the table and turning off the radio.

I sat back and looked up at the roof. She seems nice. But now she knows where we are, and I don't know where she is. I think I screwed up, and what is she talking about? A surprise? What surprise?

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