Chapter 26

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I opened my eyes.

I looked at the crowd. They were getting even louder and toxic. They were swearing and yelling and throwing their arms in the air. I saw Georgia and Lauren try to break up the crowd while Gabriella tried to talk to them. Half of the crowd wanted to go to war, the other half didn't and wanted to be peaceful. Even after they killed five of ours.

Gabriella, Georgia and Lauren all looked annoyed and frustrated at the crowd. They looked like they needed help. Andrew left a little while ago to get back to Port Adelaide and tell the families about their loss. Stella went back to Melbourne for some unknown reason, Carolyn and Tory are both back at their communities. So now it's only Prince, Gabriella, Lauren, Georgia and I here to try and calm down the crowd.

I saw Prince step in to try to calm them down. He was barely even looked at. The crowd just kept fighting with each other over who was right and what should be done. I kept digging the graves with the four others, ignoring the arguments.

"Everyone calm down! We have already made up our mind! We have figured out our next course of action! We are going to war! That's final!" Gabriella yelled.

The crowd against going to war got even louder trying to change Gabriella's mind, which made the crowd who wants to go to war get louder as well. Gabriella looked even more frustrated. I had to do something.

I let go of my shovel and I climbed out of the meter deep hole that I dug. I walked towards the crowd. Once I got to them I squeezed through the crowd. I had to push a few people out of the way to get through as the wouldn't budge. I got to the front with Gabriella.

"Shut up! Shut the hell up! We aren't going to solve anything if we all just keep yelling! We have decided what we are going to do! We need vengeance for the pain the Tower has inflicted upon us! We can't just let them go, not after what they did to us! They deserve to die! So stop arguing and get training! Whoever wants to fight you are welcome to do so! If not sit back and keep this place running! You got that?!" I yelled to the crowd.

The crowd got quiet. Nobody said anything back. Gabriella smiled at me as I looked around at the crowd. A man walked forward.

"If we kill them, we aren't any better then they are. We should just imprison them. After a few years they might become valuable to us. They could help us. But if we killed them, we would be slowing down our future. Don't we want to set an example for a future children?" The man said.

"If they killed someone close to you. What would you do? Would you let them go then? Or would you want to kill them? These people might become valuable to us, I understand that, but we can't risk it. It wouldn't be worth it if they just killed us after we imprisoned them. So we are going to war. Step to the side if you want to fight. The others get back to work" I said.

I saw a few people walking straight away to the side of the crowd. A few walked away. Others were hesitant. After a few minutes everyone made up their minds. There was a large amount of people who stepped to the side. I looked at them all slowly. There was about one hundred people.

"Ok. I want people to tell the other communities about the war. Tell them to all meet here in Adelaide Oval for training sessions. I want someone to also ask Andrew if he could teach people how to fight. The others come with me" I said.

I walked with Gabriella, Prince, Georgia, Lauren and all the others that volunteered and we all stood in a circle. Everyone crowded around me like I am the leader. But I'm not. I'm just the leader of Underdale. For some reason I felt like I had to say something.

"Does anyone have any ideas that they would like to bring forward?" I asked.

"We should just keep it short and simple. Go in there. Kill them all. Get it over and done with" someone said in the crowd.

"It's not that simple. They are smart. If they spotted us coming we wouldn't have the upper hand anymore. We need a plan so they don't see us. Some sort of distraction" I said.

"We could set something on fire. That could kid keep them distracted" Prince said.

"That could work. Anything else?" I asked.

"They blew up the West Pac building with explosives. Why don't we try to steal their explosives, and blow up their Tower" a man said in the crowd.

"No. They could have something valuable that we might need or could use. That would be a waste" I said.

I looked around the crowd. No one else had ideas. I looked at Prince.

"Looks like we will be using fire as a distraction. Anyone against that?" I asked.

No one argued against it. I nodded looking around at everyone. Now we just have to figure out what we could burn. The fire has to be big enough to be seen but controlled so it doesn't spread. We might be able to set alight a car. Depending on the condition of it. Most cars today are just rusted heaps of metal.

"What now?" People in the crowd asked.

"Now we practice, train and we get ready to fight. Once we get all the other communities here we can all practice together. I know we can win this. We all just have to work together. From what we have all done together, I doubt that would be a problem for us. Now let's keep our heads up and strong. These people are gonna regret killing our family" I said.

The crowd slowly walked away. All that was left was Gabriella, Prince, Georgia and Lauren. They all walked up to me.

"I don't think we can do this. We are down in numbers. Jonah and Hayley were strong members. Without them it's just going to be even harder. We just have to hope that these people can learn fast and fight strong. Because I don't think we have a chance" I said.

"Let's try to be confident. They might be stronger then us. They might have more weaponry then us. We have a chance if we play it smart. We just have to be more careful then usual" Gabriella said.

We all nodded and agreed with Gabriella. The Tower are a strong group of people. But most of the people that helped to defeat Thomas, Heath and all the others, aren't here anymore. Now it's up to us to keep our legacy going.

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