Chapter 7

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I was out the front of the Adelaide Oval. I got back from Melbourne a little while ago. I was really tired. But I needed to do something. I found three flowers growing next to the curb of a road. They were pretty. They were purple with white and black dots. I slowly pulled them out.

I held them carefully walking them back inside. I walked over to the graves. I put flowers on all the other graves already. The only grave without flowers was Hunter's. I walked up to her grave and crouched down.

"I never got to meet you. I wish I did. I've heard lots of stories about you. I have lots of questions. I respect you a lot. You took your life so another could live. Samantha is a beautiful girl. She's strong. You did well" I said.

I slowly put the three flowers I picked onto Hunter's grave. I stayed still looking at the petals slowly blow in the wind. I grabbed a handful of dirt and put it over the flower stems, so they won't blow away. I slowly stood up. I started to cough hard as I stood up. My throat really hurt. I swallowed a bit of my spit.

I took a breath in and out. I stopped coughing. I looked around to see if anyone heard me. Luckily no one was around. I don't want people worrying. I'm going to be fine. It's just a bug. Nothing else.

I walked to the stands and walked all the way up to the top. I slowly pushed a chair down and I sat down. My sleeve rolled down and I looked at my arm. I saw the cut marks I did on myself. They are deep. I'm not proud of myself. I shouldn't do this. But I have to. The pain makes me forget about before. I have less memories, less hallucinations. I don't want to remember it. I don't want to remember what Finn did to me.

I rolled up my sleeve to hide the cuts. I looked out at the oval. The oval was packed with small shops. There was basically no room left to run around on it. The grass is all gone. After many years the grass just died. Now it's just dirt.

I looked up at the sky watching the smoke from the bakery slowly rise up into the sky. Making our first bread loaf was something that I would never forget. I can remember seeing the smoke rise in the air. I can remember the smell. Now I'm just used to it. The bakers make up to about twenty loafs a day.

I saw the same four kids run onto the only open area on the oval. They started to kick the soccer ball between each other again. I then remembered what happened last time. Anything can trigger me. It's scary really. I can just turn around and all of a sudden on a wall is that same face. I blink and it's gone. It's like Finn is haunting me. My neck started to hurt. I quickly brought my hand to my neck and held it there.

I closed my eyes and leaned back against my chair. I slowly fell asleep.


I rode into Melbourne. All I could think about was Anastasia's voice. Was I going crazy. As I rode in I quickly jumped off of the horse and hitched it at the stables. I then ran over to my office. I sat down on my chair and looked at the radio. I rested my hand on the on switch, but I didn't turn it on. I closed my eyes and rested my head onto the table. I'm scared to press the button. I'm scared to hear her voice.

I took a deep breath in and slowly pressed the button. I heard the radio start to sound fuzzy. All of a sudden the fuzziness stopped.

"You're back. I thought I would never hear from you again" Anastasia said.

"I'm sorry. I don't think I can do this anymore. I'm going to drive myself crazy if I keep talking to you. You aren't real. You're dead" I said.

"I may be dead. But I'm still with you in your heart aren't I. Maybe that's why you can hear me. You aren't going crazy. You won't go crazy. Because all the crazy is here with me" Anastasia said.

I laughed and cried at the same time.

"Anastasia. I miss you, so much. I don't know how I've been surviving this long, especially without you by my side. It's been hard. It's still hard. But I'm trying" I said.

"I miss you too baby. You've been surviving for so long because you are a fighter. You don't give up. Even after something so bad. I need to tell you something though, I think it's time to step down as the leader. You're stressed, you're hardly getting through it. Appoint a new leader for a little bit. When your back and better take over again. I think you deserve a little break" Anastasia said.

I nodded. I did need a break.

"Thank you. I will. I love you. Could we talk soon?" I asked.

"We can, anytime. I love you too" Anastasia said.

I turned off the radio. I sat back on my chair. I don't have anyone who wants the job. But there is one person. My daughter Stella. She is the only one who wants to lead. It's a bad idea to let her take over. But I'm sure she wouldn't be that bad.

I slowly stood up. I walked out of my office and walked to the tree that Stella and her friends normally hang out at. I saw her there sitting with her friends. She saw me and walked over to me.

"Here. I'm. I'm sorry" Stella struggled to say handing me my fifty credits she owed me.

I took the credits and put them into my pocket. I put my hand onto Stella's should and looked into her eyes.

"I think it's finally time for you to lead. Do you agree?" I asked.

Stella looked up at me. Her eyes widened and she had the biggest smile.

"I agree. I'm ready" Stella said.

Stella hugged me hard. We hugged each other. She was really happy. I just have to hope I didn't make a mistake.

The Arising: The FinaleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora