Chapter 21

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I could hear arguments outside my room. I was sitting alone on my bed after I had my shower. I was just sitting their looking at my table. I couldn't look away from it, not even for a second. My gaze got distracted by my door opening.

I quickly got up and I walked over to my table. I opened the draw and I grabbed my dad's revolver. I held it to my chest and I quickly sat back down onto my bed, crawling up into a ball.

"It's ok Sam, it's just me" Lauren said walking in.

Lauren slowly walked in and she saw my draw open. She walked over to the draw and looked inside. She took out my letter I wrote for my dad and looked at it.

"What's this?" Lauren asked.

"A letter" I said.

"A letter to who?" Lauren asked.

Lauren looked at the letter and started reading it. She then looked at me and smiled. She carefully put the letter onto my table top. She then turned around and looked at me.

"I've got a surprise for you" Lauren said.

I looked up at her as she got down on her knees. She reached for her back pocket.

"You don't have to treat me like this you know?" I said.

"What do you mean?" Lauren asked.

"You all are treating me differently, just because I'm seeing and hearing things. I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me" I said.

Lauren put her hand onto my leg and looked into my eyes.

"Sam, we are just looking out for you. We are just making sure that you are fine" Lauren said.

"Well you don't have to" I said.

Lauren looked at me strangely. She stood up and reached for her back pocket again. She brought out a small piece of paper. It looked dirty and old. She looked at the piece of paper with a huge grin.

"Your father was a great man. He wouldn't like seeing you in this state. You have to fight Sam. Fight for your father, so when he returns, he'll have his daughter back" Lauren said handing me the piece of paper.

I slowly took it out of Lauren's hands and I looked at the piece of paper. I noticed that it was actually a picture. I looked at the two people in the photo and I saw that it was both my father and my mother smiling. They looked happy together. I haven't seen a photo of the two of them before.

"Where did you find this?" I asked as a tear went down my cheek.

"I was searching around their old bedroom, seeing if I could find anything for you. I found that under their bed. They must of just forgot about it. Luckily it wasn't burned" Lauren said looking at the floor because she knows she's the one who destroyed Underdale.

"Thank you. This means a lot" I said hugging Lauren.

"It's ok. Why don't you come out later? See how everyone's doing" Lauren said.

"I will. Thank you Lauren" I said.

"No problem. I'll see you later" Lauren said walking out of my bedroom.

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