Chapter 1: unexpected happening

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2 November 2033

I knew it ever since I randomely got sick. It feels like my stomach is swelling up, like I swallowed a pumpkin seed and it started growing. I didn't know how I would tell Brandon.

When I woke up this morning, I had the weirdest craving for onion sandwich.

I walked to the kitchen, and there was Brandon, making some bacon and eggs. I sighed.


"Yes Nikki?"

"I have something to tell you..."

"What is it?"

"I'm pregnant."


"Yes, three weeks."

"Well, Nikki... That's wonderful!"

"Yes it is!"

He started laughing. "We're going to be parents! Can I say hello?"

"Well, duh! You obviously need to introduce yourself to your child!" I said as he came closer to my stomach.

"Well hello little fella! This is dad, and you already know mom." He said to my stomach, and stroked it. I felt another kick.

"You felt that too, right?" I said.

"I did indeed." He said, chuckling.

"I think we should name it, Jamie."


"Yeah. It could be a boy or a girl's name!"

"I like it."

A/N: this was just a fill in chapter. So Nikki's pregnant, and they want to name their child Jamie.

Far into the future part 2Where stories live. Discover now