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ethan dolan

I noticed Emma didn't talk about herself much. It's not that she didn't want to, she just preferred to find out other people's stories first.

In fact, Emma was an open book if someone cared enough to just ask.

Her favorite color is blue. Her middle name is Frances. She's an only child. She hates when people purse their lips a certain way.

But I still wanted to know more.

She loved spontaneity, and man did this past week show that.

I couldn't think of one logical answer to why I agreed to go on those adventures.

All I knew is that after the fair, I had a strange attraction to her. I was drawn to her, like a moth to a flame.

Everything about this was very new to me.

Emma didn't give me much time to overthink or be scared of what was going on.

She just always kept things moving, no time to stop and hesitate.

So far every time Emma and I have hung out, it's always been her idea. I wanted that to change today.

I had just finished walking to the library and was standing in front of the double doors. I was just about to open them when suddenly they flung open without warning, causing me to jump. Emma came bursting through them, her whole body glowing.

She didn't seem to give thought to the fact that she just scared the shit out of me.

She was bouncing up and down, like a little child whose mom just bought them the newest toy.

"Linda let me off early, so what do you want to do?" Her voice full of excitement.

"Well I was thinking we could do something more my speed today," I said while scratching the back of his neck.

"What do you have in mind?" She started playing with her hair.

"I was thinking a movie marathon at my apartment, if that's okay..." I started to trail off, nervous that she wouldn't agree.

A smile small creeped on her face. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go," she waited for me to lead the way to my apartment.

We spent the next couple minutes heading over to my apartment. She would start skipping from time to time, or start waving to random people who passed us by.

Anybody who looked at us could tell we were total opposites. My shoulders slumped and my feet dragging. She walked with a lighter tread, her shoulders pushed back with confidence

I wasn't an idiot. I knew we were different.

But when I was with her, I could feel my feet drag a little less.

I fumbled with my key a little bit when we reached my apartment door.

"Uh, well, this is it," I said unsurely, I don't know why I was so nervous. I guess because I don't usually have people over to my apartment.

Emma walked in immediately, feeling at home.

"Let's get started on the fort," she said while grabbing pillows from the couches.

"The what?"

"The fort. That we're gonna watch the movies from," she said, confused as to why I would even question it.

I started to laugh, "oh right how could I forget," I played along.

She started to arrange the couches, pillows, and blankets until she was satisfied.

"What movie?" She asked me.

"I have Paper Towns if you wanna watch that," I started to blush. Fuck me.

That was the book I was reading when we first met. Is that too sentimental? Is she gonna think it's weird?

I guess she could tell my mind was spinning, because she lightly touched my shoulder. "That's perfect," she smiled.

I turned off the lights and we climbed into the fort. I made sure to keep a respectful distance so neither of us got the wrong idea.

The screen light radiated onto Emma's face. I stole glances at her every once in a while when I knew she was too distracted by the movie.

I don't know why I did it, she was just pretty to look at. Her brown hair cascading down her shoulders, her bright blue eyes full of hope, and her cute little nose scrunching up when she laughed.

She was more entertaining than any movie. Emma was her own movie.

"What the fuck?"


[Hope y'all are enjoying these sappy chapters ... i love u guys thank u for the support]

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