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emma chamberlain

"Bye Linda!" I yell before I run out of the library, throwing my backpack over my shoulder.

"Bye dear!" I hear faintly before the doors shut.

I take in the warmth of the sun and the fresh air. I even take in the honking of cars in traffic as I walk to class.

I felt good. I felt like me.

Maybe I was too invested in my thoughts and day dreams because all of a sudden I felt a sharp blow to my shoulder that sent me and my backpack flying to the ground.

"Watch where you're going!" I heard a manly voice yell in my ear.

"I'm so sorry I was-" I looked up.



"Oh, Emma," his disgruntled face slowly turned into a sly one as he reached his hand out to help me up.

How did I ever think that face was cute?

My face contorted into something that only portrayed pure disgust. I felt like spitting on his hand.

I helped myself up on my own. His hand fell back down to his side.

I took a step back while I gathered my backpack from the ground.

He took a step forward.

"We never did get to finish our date last time," He took another step forward. My feet were paralyzed.

His fingers wrapped around my waist to the small of my back. I couldn't stop him.

Everyone around me continued on. Some were sprinting to their classes. Some were laughing with their friends, taking their time walking to class.

So many people but not a single one managed to notice the fear in my eyes as I stood in front of the one person I didn't trust.

I quickly realized that no one was going to help me out of this situation. Only I could.

I grabbed his forearm and shoved it away from my side with as much force as I could produce.

I could see the visible shock on his face. He didn't think I had it in me. That's what fueled me to continue.

"You're a prick." I took a step forward into him.

"No one should ever make someone feel powerless, like how you did to me. And I'm sorry for that one second I let you think that I won't stand up for myself."

I could feel my blood boiling. This is what I wanted to say since the second I left that cafe.

"You prey on the innocent and I hope you rot in hell."

He stumbled back looking dumbfounded.

I smiled while turning on my heels and continued walking to my class feeling like a weight had been lifted.

As I sat down at my desk, I played back the situation that had just unfolded.

The last time I walked with that much of a spring in my step was with Ethan.

Then my mind wandered back to our last encounter.

"Maybe you do love me," his eyes widened with hope, "but you aren't ready for me."

I didn't care if he was completely ready for me. I loved him. He loved me. I would let him break my heart a million times over, just for one ounce of the indescribable joy he brings me.

He's my story. He's my forever adventure.

I walked out of class while the professor was in the middle of her lecture. This couldn't wait.

[HI GUYS i'm BACK!! only 2 more chapters left sorry I left u guys hanging for so long, hope u guys are all safe and healthy!!!]

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