Chapter 8

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I was sweating like a goat.

Not that goat sweat and if they do I'm not sure they would be sweating for the same reason that I was. My hair was sticking to my forehead. that was how bad I was sweating. And why was I sweating?
Well there's an easy answer. An answer so easy that you could compare it to a girl who is easy to get by the standards of boys.

I was sitting in a room surrounded by nervous girls- I literally do mean that. I was contemplating my choice on taking down the queen of bitch-town, Riley Humbert in this silly bet where I had to win 'best couple' at the contest with my boyfriend also known as Jace.

"Ok girls" Madame Juliet called out with a forced smile on her face."it's time for your quiz,the first part of the competition."
Some girl seated at the other end of the room looked like they were about to pass out.

"As you all know" she continued her eyes lingering around,"if you get the least amount of questions,then automatically you and your partner will be disqualified."

Riley who sat at the front of the room, rolled her eyes and smiled at her best friends or should I say entourages, Dawn Avera and Suzy Norman.

Dawn was actually nice. She seemed to like me. I've had conversations with her during practice and she claps when I get something right. Yeah! That's a big deal for me. Everyone was in love with Dawn but she was best friends with a witch.
Dawn's boyfriend, Seth was hot not as hot as Jace or Brandon but hot enough to get girls sighing whenever he passes.

On the other hand Suzy Norman just like Riley was a wicked witch. She had similar features with Riley,she was like her clone but sadly her boyfriend is just a nice and beautiful mansion having nothing upstairs-if you get my point.

If you are caught faking" Madame Juliet continued. "you will be seriously dealt with by the school's authority."

I began to feel terrified on my seat that was too hot and uncomfortable. Did I mention how bad I was sweating?

"So ladies" Madame Juliet said concluding her speech. "I wish you all the best and remember, you fail you lose."

With that everyone turned to the sheets in front of them on their desks and began to write like obedient and smart girlfriends they all were.
I on the other hand just stared blankly at the sheet in front of me. What was wrong with me ?, I wanted this didn't I?, I studied everything I could learn about Jace for this reason so why was I still sweating?

Okay April,first question.

1.) What's your boyfriend's last name?

Seriously! I was sweating so hard because of this. I was going to ace this quiz.

2.) what is his favorite color?

Okay! This wasn't so hard, it's obviously blue or maybe red-which guy doesn't like red ?

3.) What is his favorite food?

Is it getting pretty hot in here or is it just me. Everyone were still writing. Oh no! It's really me,i better put down pizza..yeah pizza! It has to be it.

4.) What's his favorite sports?

Another easy one phew!.. it's probably football after all he's the captain. Yeah football or basketball,wait! Is it foot or basket?
There are all balls I have to put one anyway.

5.) Which holiday does he love the most?

Oh this one's tough. Umm I guess summer?  it's probably Christmas who doesn't love the snow and the cold in winter. It has to be not Halloween- wait! Is Halloween even considered holiday?

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