Chapter 10

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        Jace was ignoring me.

   His lack of emotion and response was getting to me and not in a good way.He wasn't just ignoring me,he was totally avoiding me.

     So there I was,standing next to his car feeling as tired as ever.I stayed up thinking how horrible I was because I may have insulted the one who was helping me get back at Riley.

Students were edge around the parking lot-some more than others getting ready to go home when I spotted Jace approaching me-okay his car. His hands buried in his pockets and his eyes were fixed on something towards my direction. I suddenly felt desirous of his 'i don't give a damn' attitude and casual walk across the parking lot not minding students who threw him glances.

  It took some time before Jace realises that he was staring directly into my eyes.
  Blinking,Jace seemed to snapped out of the thoughts that were filling his mind.A frown slowly took hold of his lips and eyes narrowed slightly,making me wonder if I really needed to apologize instead of running away.

   "Uh.."I screeched before clearing my throat then I continued."Can we talk?"

   Jace shrugged before replying," Be fast about it."

"Nice shoes." I compliment.

He stared at me with a straight face. "Sick." He muttered to himself.

Pushing my hair nervously,my voice came out spiky and nervous,"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for being rude and" I looked up only to find Jace raising an eyebrow, "and for judging you."

Jace tilted his head to one side before he replied,"so you are trying to apologize?"

I glanced down at my fingers then back at Jace who was staring at me with a frown.

    I grinned meekly before answering, "yes."

   Jace examined my look then he sighed,"That's was a wistful attempt of an apology."

Scorning,i replied,"Well as least I tried" I crossed my hands umbrageously. "Most people won't apologize particularly since you-you're annoying and you know," I muttered, "weird and ride around with girls and.."

   "Handsome" Jace interrupted with a little smirk forming on his face.

  I poked his shoulder,"You should be happy I apologized."

Dusting off his jacket, he replied" Yea because it's honorary to receive an apology from a wild cat."

  "Did you just call me a wild cat" I spluttered,my left eye twitching already.

Jace levelled his face to mine before replying slowly,"Yes, I called you a wild cat."

   I cried out in frustration before I retorted. "Don't accept my apology! But don't you come crying to me when the cops comes to arrest you for breaking into my room to steal my-my" I paused for a moment before adding,"underwear! my underwear."

"What?" Jace asked his brows wrinkling in confusion.

  I huffed like a wolf before I spoke,"You heard me pant burglar."

  "Are you trying to make me feel guilty for something you did to me?" Jace asked with his eyes widely opened.

"Yes"I hissed.

  "You are crazy" Jace said.

"And you are a thief " I snapped.
  Jace opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. "If you don't mind,i have to go find someone else to date."

  Turning around, I began to walk in the opposite direction.The nerve! Who did he think he was to ridicule my apology.

  "Hold on" Jace called grabbing my arm and turning me around so I could face him,"where are you going to?"

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