Chapter 11

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I was scared of horror movies, I hated them.

I really didn't understand the point of them. All they did was give ideas to serial killers and psychopaths who believe they could turn into zombies and eat your brain-if you had any.

Horror movies weren't my thing. Sure,i had slept with the lights on and sneaked out of the cinema whenever Elly dragged me to one. If you had a chance and you are a complete coward you would understand what I'm saying.

Of course,Jace wasn't horrified.

We were meeting with Dawn and Seth for movie night and weirdly I actually found my self looking forward to the night. I dressed myself in a nice pair of skinny jeans and a simple white shirt with 'heart' inscribed on it. Finished with simple white sneakers,i was ready to seat back and watch a romantic comedy which was not overdone or scary.

"Let's watch bloodlust" Jace suggested with a smile.

I stared at him wide-eyed before I replied. "Are you nuts?"

Jace gazed at me for a moment before he rolled his eyes and presumed. "What, don't tell me you are afraid of a movie?"

"I am not." I jeered then added "but it seems kind of boring."

Jace snorted as he leaned closer,his face so close to mine as he replied,"You are just scared doll face,admit it."

"Am not" I responded then I stared towards Dawn and Seth who were in the line next to us,buying tickets to a new movie about a girl who doesn't noticed other great guys because she was still in love with her science tutor."Can't we just see blinded by love?"

"What! and have me puke all over that
Overdramatic crap." Jace asked with a frown then he shook his head "No way, we are going to see bloodlust."

"What kind of title is that?" I questioned "it makes no sense at all."

Jace threw me a skeptical look-the kind that yelled 'I was making no sense before he turned his eyes towards the creepy poster of a little girl with blood all over her white attire. I shuddered at the bloody looking writing 'blood lust' printed in bold text and silently pray to God to somehow make me sick before Jace even gets a chance to pay for the tickets.

"Two tickets." Jace requested and then looked at me "sure you are not scared?"

I laughed-a nervous laugh before replying. "Are you kidding me, I watch movies like this when I'm alone."

A smile took over his lips as he replied, "That's good to hear doll face."

I slapped my self mentally,Why was I lying so much? It was probably to save my dignity. And it would look stupid for me to change my mind to join Dawn and Seth who were already a couple-as a third party. It would look really suspicious and give away the fact that Jace and I aren't really a couple.

Not that Riley would know but technically Dawn is Riley's best friend and i could not risk taking a chance.

"You look pale." Jace commented after collecting our tickets "Are you feeling sick?"

"Pssh" I scoffed "I feel wonderful"

"Hey guys" Dawn interrupted with a smile, "what are you going to watch?"

"Oh just bloodlust" I replied, trying hard to hide my fearful tone.

Seth eyes widened,"Seriously? That's so cool" he exclaimed. "Dawn is too scared to watch any of that."

Dawn rolled her eyes before she spoke, "I refer romance okay?"

"Same here." I muttered to myself.

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