Chapter 9

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Here I was again always having an issue. Okay I wasn't having any issues to be exact.

"What party?" I scoffed at the blonde in front of me.

And by blonde I mean Riley Humbert.

Riley rolled her blue eyes at me before replying in a demeaning manner,"My party! I know you haven't been to one and all that but still you need to keep track."

I bit a growl then hissed,"I have been to parties before.''

"Yeah!,Since third grade" Riley sighed..
she cut me off as I was about to protest. "Just be there okay? I promised madame Juliet that I was going to invite the couples that made it to the next round."

I frowned and examine Riley's eyes to see if she was lying. But no! She was telling the truth.

"Fine" I answered. "I will be there."

Riley manage to hide her irritation as she spoke,"you need to come with your boyfriend too."

"I know that"I answered with a frown.

Riley narrowed her eyes before she lowered her voice,"I'm watching you April, I know you and Jace are up to something,and when I find out what it is,i will make sure that you and that boyfriend of yours goes down."

That threatening tone of Riley was bone-chilling scary, It made me shudder slightly before I answered,"Try all you want Riley but Jace and I are," I flinched as I said the last bit,"in love".

"I bet"she snapped then pushed her blonde hair over her shoulder before she pranced down the hallway."

I let out a sigh and turned my eyes to my locker. Staring blankly at my textbook, I couldn't help but wonder if I would be doing the right thing going to a party with Jace. it was no secret that we weren't the 'conjoined' type of couple but our fake relationship was a secret. So having Riley sniffing around was making me slightly uneasily.

"Doll face!"A deep voice called from behind.

"Hey" I replied. "What's with the name?"

Jace said with a smirk before pushing my hair to my face. "you look like a doll"

"Whatever" I spat removing my hair from my mouth. "we have a party to attend."

"What party?" Jace asked.

"The party Riley's hosting" i explained. "it's for the couples who made it to the next round."

"Do I have to go?" Jace frowned.

"Yes you have to go." I said mimicking a voice that didn't even sound like Jace's. "Otherwise Riley is going to find out that this is just some lie."

"Okay I'll go with you" Jace said.

I grinned widely ,"Because if you don't I would have to take matters into my hands."

A smirk spread across Jace lips before he replied in a contented tone,"I don't just settle for hands."

I raised an eyebrow at Jace before his statement suddenly became clear and I punched his shoulder,"you miscreant!"


"You are not seriously wearing that to the party are you?"Elly sighed.

I frowned at my best friend who was all over my bed then I glanced at my outfit. I didn't see anything wrong with a plain jeans and T-shirt that I wore along with my jogging sneakers. I frowned again at Elly this time with confusion.

"Yes I'm" I replied. "what's wrong with it?"

"Nothing" Elly answered. "but you do want to make riley fizz,don't you?"

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