chapter 1

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The last seven months had been brutal

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The last seven months had been brutal.  You and Jin had worked hard to remain connected, despite the distance, despite the schedules.  Your relationship had proven the test of time and constant travel.

The truth was that you were both weary. You needed time to rest and love each other without one eye on the clock.

As usual, Jin was one step ahead of you. 

One Wednesday afternoon your boss called you into her office and told you that you had been cleared for ten days leave.  You were shocked and tried to protest but she held up her hand and said “I have reviewed all your ongoing projects.  You are at least two weeks ahead of the next phase.  Clock out at 5 and don’t come back for 10 days".

At that she turned her chair to the window view, effectively dismissing you.

You were by turns elated then worried.  Would this reflect poorly at the time for  your job review?  You gave yourself until you reached your office to fret, then once inside dropped your head in your hands and said a prayer of thanks for the relief.

Your next thought was to text Jin.  You had to look at your schedule to see where he was.

 As you were trying to calculate time zones your assistant appeared with a large box . 

“Overnight International again.  Wonder what it is this time”. He placed the box on the table and perched on the edge of your desk, eager anticipation to see what was in the box.

You looked at him and raised one brow.

“Why??? Why wont you ever let me see?” he whined as you ushered him out the door and shut it behind him.

Carefully cutting the box open, you found a note on the top in Jin's writing.
I miss you so much. Keep warm till I can warm you myself."

What was this?  Under the note was pink tissue paper wrapping.  As you drew the paper side you found the entire box was packed with cold weather gear. 

The first thing you removed was a pair of silk climate fit long underwear. These were specifically made to retain body heat.

Next was a pair of black padded knee high boots that were fur lined.  Putting those aside you found ski glasses, a toboggan, and pair of triple layered gloves and a long heavy cream colored cable knit sweater.  A long cashmere scarf was folded underneath. 

Under more wrapping paper was a pair of ski bibs and a parka.  Compressed at the very bottom was a long black puffer coat with fur lined hood that would cover you to your knees.

You stood to try the coat on.  It fit perfectly.

“ Do you think it will be warm enough?”

“Oh Jin !” you sighed “how could it not be?”

It took several seconds to register that it was actually Jin's voice you heard and not just your imagination!

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