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If he had done anything less severe than this, I wouldn't have batted an eyelid at him. Since he had the nerve to cross the line to provoke me, I'll make sure he regrets the mere thought of messing with me.

Marching down the hallway, with the word 'revenge' repeatedly in my head like a chant, I desperately think of anything I could do to push his buttons. Make him understand the severity of his evil deed. My intentions had to be crystal clear to him. Crystal clear.

It was a regular day that commenced with a peaceful start, until he dared to rip the peace out of it.

In the middle of being engrossed in the train of thoughts, my careless foot stumbles upon a thick book. Probably some big fat novel. My foot throbbed but I resisted the pain. My eyes scan the surroundings for any pair of eyes staring at my clumsiness, only to found none. I mentally sigh in relief.

Stupid book. Lying in the hallway. To hurt my foot.

I crouch on my toes, to earn a better view of the book. Turns out, this was an English textbook, prescribed by our school. To add on, the initials J.JK were engraved in black ink on the top right corner of the book. I grab the book in my hands and skim through the cold pages. I chuckled. Interesting.

Staring at the textbook, an idea struck my head. I smirk, the fate of the book in my hands. You will regret it.


"Yah, the two of you, get up. You too Hobi"

The peaceful classroom, solely occupied by Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok is rudely disrupted as Danielle storms into the room, thrilling announcement in her hand. Jimin's pen swirled smoothly as he jotted down his notes while Taehyung and Hoseok folded arms in front, on the wooden tables, rested their sleepy heads, taking a necessary nap.

"Where were you?", Jimin recalls not seeing her since morning.

"I found something in the main hallway. You've got to see this", Danielle insists, in a excited tone.

"Just a second, let me finish these notes", Jimin states, immersed in his work.

"Help me wake them up", she pleads to him, walking to both the gnarled tables, her hands pounding against the wood over and over again. The sound jolts awake the sleeping duo, as if woken up by a ringing alarm clock. A mess of tangled brown and red laid upon their heads, a trace of drool on the corner of their lips, accompanied by their groans and grumbles.

She chuckles for a second at their sight.

"Clean up, right now. You've got to see this", she beckons and they sloppily rise from their seats, evidently staggering from drowsiness.

Heaving out a sigh, she bends forward to grab hold of Tae's and Hoseok's hand. The door flings open and the duo are hauled out by the mighty Danielle.

Taehyung groans. "I was just in the middle of a dream. This better be worth it", he utters with a significant tone of admonishment.

Hoseok's half asleep and says nothing as he's dragged upon. "Will you please wake up for once?", she pleads. His eyes snap open at once, interrupting his sweet dream.

"When did I reach here?", Hoseok looked bewildered. Danielle shakes her head.

"What happened to Raven's car?", Jimin questions.

"What about her car?", Taehyung adds.

"You'll find out", Danielle responded. "Now hurry, before its gone", she beckoned. She soon notices Taehyung sniffing aggressively.

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