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Running as fast as I could, once I was out of the house, I soon reach the elevators. Finding the elevators occupied, I ran down the stairs.

Mind you, there was more adrenaline in me, the more I saw him.

Once the elevator doors opened, my eyes scan the lobby for any sight of him.

Dang it, he's too fast.

I stopped as I reached the parking lot, still haven't found Jungkook. But my jaw dropped in the most ugliest fashion.

My car was right in front of me.

I realized in a minisecond, that it was devoid of the dent, the scratch, that once ruined the beauty of this car. It looked brand new.

To add on to the surprise, there was one thing placed on top of my car. The one thing for which I have been going insane.

My elusive car keys casually sat on the black hood.

Taking a few steps towards the car, my fingers get a hold of the keys. The metal was warm, unlike the usual.


Jungkook did this.

Worst case scenario was that he could have set my car on fire. But he didn't.

Speaking of which, where is he?

My aim shifts from my car to finding his presence, as I hastily searched with my eyes.

I sighed.

I take my phone out and scroll through my contact list for his number. His contact was nowhere in my recent list. That wasn't surprising because I couldn't remember the last time I had called him. But that didn't matter.

I deserve an explanation.

Tapping 'call', I place my phone to my ear, patiently waiting for a response.

"Connecting to voicemail"

I declined the call. My lips pursed. Of course.

Sniffing my keys, I realized that they smelt like vanilla and coconut.

I was simply clueless, standing in the middle of the parking lot, in front of my car. 

To say that I was confused is an understatement. I was flustered. What was he up to?

Should I go back to the boys?

Phone still in hand, I dial Danielle's number.

"Gurll, you okay?"

"Is Jungkook there?", I shoot.


"We're going home and you're coming with me"


"Tell me what happened, quit ignoring me"

"I'm trying to process what had happened", I defend, my eyes on the road.

It had been 5 minutes of silence, my way of avoiding any sort of conversation. The car had a fresh scent and the seats they were cleaned. This kid had done a lot more than I had expected.

"You don't understand why", she claimed.

"Yeah. But, that's not the only thing. I couldn't find him"

"He was probably hiding somewhere, scared for his life"

I chuckled.

"Well, you looked like you were going to kill him few minutes ago", she recalled. I knew where this was going.

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