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My eyes snap open. 

I'm in my bed.

My feet aren't dangling off the bed unlike the last time I remembered it. 

Jungkook and I were-


Jungkook was here yester-

Rising from my bed, my head whipped left and right. He isn't here.

I peek underneath to see if Jungkook found refuge under my bed. Or anywhere in my room. 

Stumbling out of my bed, I dash to the living room. My right hand lingers on the wall to support myself and my neck turns to throw a glance at the living room. 

Jungkook wasn't there, nor was Danielle or Taehyung. 

In fact, the soapy liquid had vanished from the floors of the living room. The floor was clean, too clean to be true. 

I thoroughly raided the house for any presence of living being. There are high chances of this being a prank. The circumstances were perfect.

I walked from the kitchen, to its cabinets, the bathroom, my bedroom one more time and my closet. There was no one. Also, I noticed the absence of clothes on Danielle's bed. 

Was I dreaming the whole time?

Did they even come?

The house was in a placid atmosphere. One would never think 3 crackheads were in my house yesterday, trying to clean the floors. 

But I knew otherwise.

My phone was still on the window sill. 

Grabbing my phone, the numbers depicted the time, brightly enough from the lock screen. 

7:40 am. 

20 more minutes before class starts. 

20 minutes are not enough. 

Oh my god-

I ran to the bathroom to take a crucial shower. Getting ready was never this fast. 

Opening my closet, one glance at it was all I needed. Hoodie and sweatpants should do. 

Packing my bag with books that seemed necessary, I find a banana from the refrigerator, my only source of energy for now, I dash for the door, my handle trying to open it. The door was locked.

"Dang it, keys, keys", Rummaging through my bag for my house keys, I unlock the door and then leave and lock the doors. 

Reaching my car, I ignite the engine and drive myself to school. On arriving at school, I lit up my lock screen.

I sighed. 10 minutes left.

My hands left the steering wheel and I relax in my seat. 

I stare at my car keys, that hung adjacent to the steering wheel.


On instinct, my hand grabs my bag and I search for his car keys in every nook and cranny, just to see if he took them yet. His car keys were no longer in my bag.

He took them.

Did he snoop in my bag?

Leaving my car at my pace, I pass through the portals of the school, expecting to find someone I know, only to find none. Great, I feel like I know no one.

I glance around, trying to find someone I know when the bell suddenly rings. 


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