Seokjin's Warning

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Raven glanced at her black Land Cruiser, specifically on the center, at the point of dent in the bumper and the scratch below it, as if to remind herself of Jungkook's deed. Jungkook's car was nowhere to be seen, but the last time she had caught a glimpse of it, she didn't fail to notice a thin scratch on his car.

"You keep staring at the car, you're gonna go nuts", Danielle states, from behind. It is then Raven acknowledges her presence.

"I know", Raven affirms, still staring at the vehicle. She turns to look over her shoulder as Danielle takes few steps in front, "What's up with Jungkook's car? I don't find it here", Raven utters. Danielle gazes at her as if she spoke in a foreign language.

"Wait", Danielle gapes, "You didn't know?", she's amazed by Raven's lack of knowledge.

 "Know what?", the latter asks back, only for Danielle to realize that she's absolutely clueless. Danielle claps her hands as if going to present something.

"Gurl, I've got tea for you. Namjoon and Hoseok were sharing it with me in class", Danielle almost exclaims, squealing, making weird noises, supposedly excited.

"How hot is it?", Raven jokes.

"Warm for usual people, hot for you", Danielle compares.

"Are you saying that I'm not usual?", Raven, pretends to sound offended.

"If you were usual, you wouldn't be my best friend"

"Really? That would be boring", Raven commented in a nonchalant tone.

"Exactly", Danielle starts, "Usual's boring but unusual's great. That's what I'm living for", Danielle smiles upon those words leaving her mouth. Raven smiles at having a great friend like her.

"You're dragging the topic", Raven deadpans, concealing the mirth in her.

"Right, the tea", Danielle reminds herself. Raven leans against the hood of her car, getting comfortable. Danielle however, hops on to sit on the hood beside her, her feet dangling like a kid. Raven's eyes widen at her momentum, almost threatening her. "No, I won't break it. I promise", Danielle assures.

"So turns out", she starts, clapping her hands a little, excitement oozing from her presence, "The car is not Jungkook's car", Danielle drops the bomb.

"What?", Raven gaped in shock, eyes as widened as saucers.

"It's actually Jin's car", Danielle adds, to the bomb.

"Jin?", Raven enunciates."Like Kim Seokjin? The one who takes care of them?", she ended, in curiosity.

"Don't sound like you haven't met him. We've been at their house plenty of times to count", Danielle warns and Raven chuckles, recalling the innumerable instances of visiting their home, so much it's nearly close to being her second home.

"I know, I remember the boys telling me some of the stuff that happened with Jin and that he's strict and a caring parental figure to them", Raven blabbers.

"That's where I'm coming at", Danielle clicks her finger, as if Raven had made a point.

"Only the oldest 2 own cars"

"You mean Jin and Yoongi?", Raven pipes up. Danielle nods.

"Yoongi would never trust Jungkook with his car", Danielle states the obvious.

"And that's a good thing. He's sensible", Raven mused aloud.

"Don't call Jin insensible. He knows Jungkook will need his car, atleast for driving himself and the boys to school everyday. He and the boys", Danielle says, referring to the ones except Yoongi," go in Jin's car everyday. They take turns driving it, but it's mostly Jungkook who drives it. Besides", she looks at Raven, "Jin inspects the car everyday to make sure there's nothing wrong with it. It includes checking the working of it, inspecting any scratches, hits, nicks, all sorts of it", Danielle emphasized the word 'everyday' to make it clear that Jin might not trust Jungkook as well.

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